Friday July 05, 2024

Urban planning

By News Desk
January 02, 2024

Unplanned urbanization in Pakistan poses significant threats to the well-being of our cities and their inhabitants. The rapid and unregulated growth of urban areas in our country has given rise to a multitude of problems that demand urgent attention and strategic solutions, including increased strain on essential infrastructure and services, the proliferation of informal settlements and slums that lack basic amenities, and environmental degradation and pollution. To tackle these challenges effectively, it is imperative for the government to prioritize and implement comprehensive urban planning policies.

Urban planning

This involves zoning regulations, infrastructure development, and the creation of sustainable and inclusive urban spaces. Additionally, initiatives to upgrade informal settlements and provide basic services to all citizens are crucial steps toward creating a more equitable and resilient urban environment. Ordinary citizens can also play a pivotal role in promoting sustainable urbanization. Engaging in community initiatives, supporting environmentally friendly practices, and advocating for responsible urban development can help contribute to the collective effort to address the challenges posed by unplanned urbanization.

M Shamim Uddin
