ISLAMABAD: In a three-hour statement recorded on Tuesday before the Faizabad sit-in inquiry commission, Joint Director General Intelligence Bureau (IB) Sajid Kiani ruled out any aspect of interference from any other institution during the operation against the Tehrik-e-Labaik Pakistan (TLP), sources told The News.
Sajid Kiani was serving as senior superintendent of Police (Operations) Islamabad in 2017 at the time of Faizabad sit-in .
The sources said that Lt Gen (R) Faiz Hamid would be summed during the next week to join the inquiry, adding that a questionnaire had been framed by the inquiry commission for the former ISI chief to record his statement regarding TLP sit-in back in 2017. The Inquiry Commission was constituted on the order of the Supreme Court of Pakistan under the chair of retired IGP Akhtar Ali Shah after the apex court rejected the fact-finding committee report constituted by the government.
On November 15, Justice Qazi Faez Isa remarked that the commission would be empowered to summon anyone, including former army chiefs, prime ministers and chief justices.