Saturday September 07, 2024

Hold elections on Feb 8: Rabbani

By Asim Yasin
December 07, 2023

ISLAMABAD: Former Chairman Senate Senator Mian Raza Rabbani said the general elections should be held on the 8th of February, 2024 as the internal security situation cannot be an excuse for delay as elections are held when countries are even at war.

“The political instability undermines the economy. The Supreme Court has ruled that delay is a continuous Constitutional violation which cannot be perpetuated,” he said while commenting on elections.

Former Senate chairman and Senator Mian Raza Rabbani. — APP/File
Former Senate chairman and Senator Mian Raza Rabbani. — APP/File

Rabbani was of the view that any further delay will give rise to a new constitutional violation as the new parliamentary year of the Senate commences on 12th, March 2024, before that half of the Senate will retire.

Rabbani warned that if the electoral college of the Provincial Assemblies and the National Assembly are not elected the Senate will stand dysfunctional from 12th, March 2024. In such circumstances, he said there would be no Parliament which would be a constitutional violation.

The Former Chairman Senate said: “The Caretaker Government has a constitutional mandate of 90 days, the same has been violated by defacing the Constitution. Pakistan’s ruling elite should stop playing with the Constitution, for if its writ is dismantled, a stage will come when there will be the law of the jungle which cannot hold the Federation together.”