Tuesday September 17, 2024

Tribute paid to ANP leader on death anniversary

By Bureau report
November 18, 2023
ANP leader Haji Muhammad Adeel. — NA
ANP leader Haji Muhammad Adeel. — NA

PESHAWAR: Paying rich tribute to late party leader Mohammad Adeel on his seventh death anniversary, Awami National Party (ANP) leader Asfandyar Wali Khan on Friday said that he worked for the supremacy of the parliament and rule of life throughout his life.

In a message on the seventh death anniversary of Mohammad Adeel, he said the void created after his death could not be filled. Asfandyar Wali said that Mohammad Adeel was the embodiment of struggle and hard work.

He said that the late ANP leader neither faltered in his resolve nor compromised on his principles. Shedding light on his services, he recalled that Mohammad Adeel worked for the provincial rights, arrears of the net hydel profit and the National Finance Commission award.

Asfandyar Wali said Mohammad Adeel also played his role in introducing the 18th Constitutional Amendment. He said that the ANP was proud of the services rendered by Mohammad Adeel for the Pakhtuns and would always remember him as a beacon of hope for the Pakhtuns.