Thursday September 26, 2024

Peace in the region

By News Desk
November 10, 2023
Peace in the region

The Middle East has been greatly impacted by the ongoing Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The international community and global organizations must take a proactive approach to resolve this protracted conflict and find a fair and long-term settlement. International organizations, such as the UN, are essential in facilitating peace negotiations and advancing diplomatic efforts. They should keep promoting talks, meditating disputes and upholding international law. In order for Israelis and Palestinians to live in harmony within internationally recognized borders, a two-state solution must be supported by the international community.

As a Muslim, we also have a moral obligation to support Palestinians during these difficult circumstances. We may assist in a number of ways. We can educate people – informing others about the circumstances in Palestine will help ensure that people are aware of and sympathetic to the plight of Palestinians. We can contribute to non- profit organizations that help Palestinians in need. We can participate in nonviolent advocacy campaigns to persuade national and international authorities to handle the problem more skillfully. These campaigns can be conducted on a personal and communal level. While there is no simple answer to the complicated problem of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, individual support and compassion, as well as coordinated efforts by the international community, may help lessen the suffering and move towards a just and peaceful conclusion.

Subhana Jamil
