Saturday September 07, 2024

Hoti demands blanket accountability

By Our Correspondent
September 17, 2023

TIMERGARA: Awami National Party leader and former chief minister Ameer Haider Khan Hoti on Saturday said that accountability should be across the board, including politicians, judges and generals to put the country back on the right track to development and prosperity.

He was speaking at the ANP workers’ convention in PK-16 in Lower Dir, said a press release issued here from the party headquarters - Bacha Khan Markaz, Peshawar.

Haider Hoti said that parliament was the sole institution to make legislation and courts should refrain from interfering into others’ domains.

He said that there were separate laws for the poor and the rich, which had brought the country to the verge of bankruptcy and lawlessness.

“We are ready to face accountability but it must be transparent and across the board,” Hoti said, hoping that the incoming Chief Justice of Pakistan would dispense justice and restore the prestige of the judiciary.

He said that Pakhtuns should be given the right to their resources before imposing taxes.

The former chief minister said that Pakhtuns were being made fodder for the US, Russia and Osama wars, adding that three wars of others had been imposed on Pakhtuns. He said that Pakhtuns suffered huge losses in businesses and lost lives in these wars while they were also labelled as militants and terrorists.

He posed a question to former spymaster General (r) Faiz Hameed and prisoner No 804 (former prime minister Imran Khan) that why they had committed the same mistake for the fourth time and brought the terrorists back.

He linked the ongoing incidents of violence and militancy in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa to the policy of regrouping and resettlement of militants by the previous rulers.ANP other leaders also addressed the convention.