Monday September 16, 2024

Pakistan to host UN peacekeeping ministerial preparatory meeting

Ministerial will be held in Ghana in December, preceded by series of 4 preparatory meetings, including one hosted by Pakistan

By Mariana Baabar
August 29, 2023
A UN peacekeeping force (UNIFIL) soldier at the Lebanese southern coastal area of Naqura, by the border with Israel. — AFp/File
A UN peacekeeping force (UNIFIL) soldier at the Lebanese southern coastal area of Naqura, by the border with Israel. — AFp/File

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan will host a preparatory meeting of the forthcoming United Nations (UN) Peacekeeping Ministerial in Islamabad, on August 30-31, 2023, under the theme of “Safety and Security of UN Peacekeepers.”

The UN Peacekeeping Ministerial is the seminal high-level event for UN peacekeeping, held biennially with the participation of foreign and defence ministers.

The 2023 ministerial will be held in Ghana in December, preceded by a series of four preparatory meetings, including one being hosted by Pakistan, with a focus on specific areas to facilitate concrete outcomes for improving UN peacekeeping operations.

Japan is co-host of the meeting being held at the Centre for International Peace and Stability (CIPS), Pakistan’s premier training institute offering courses, workshops and seminars to UN peacekeepers from all over the world. “The foreign of Pakistan will deliver keynote addresses at the preparatory meeting. Member states represented in the UN Special Committee on Peacekeeping Operations – comprising 156 countries – will participate along with local and international experts. Also in attendance will be senior officials from the UN Secretariat including the Under-Secretary-General for Peace Operations, the Under-Secretary-General for Operational Support, and the UN Police Adviser,” said the Foreign Office while announcing the meeting.

Panel discussions will be held during the two-day meeting on various sub-themes to deliberate on capacity-building needs; safety and security of UN peacekeepers from the perspective of international law; enhancing medical capacity of UN peacekeeping missions; and leveraging technology and strategic communication.

The meeting will also feature an expert talk on the threats posed by Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs) and a briefing on the system of pledging.

“Pakistan is an active player in the field of UN peacekeeping, both at the policy and operational levels. Pakistan is among the largest troop contributors and, since 1960, has contributed over 230,000 men and women peacekeepers to 46 UN peacekeeping missions in almost all continents of the world. 172 Pakistani peacekeepers made the ultimate sacrifice by sacrificing their lives in the line of duty. Pakistan’s hosting of the preparatory meeting signifies its continued commitment to UN peacekeeping aimed at maintaining security and stability in various conflict zones”, added the Foreign Office.

When diplomatic sources were asked if India would attend the meeting, the response was “They are invited like other UN member states. “They are not likely to attend though,” added the sources.