Thursday September 19, 2024

PAC wants ban on opening new petrol pumps lifted

The PAC also orders Ogra, PTA to submit audit records to AGP within three days

By Asim Yasin
July 14, 2023
Heads of depts not conducting audit should go home —Public Accounts Committee website/file
Heads of depts not conducting audit should go home —Public Accounts Committee website/file

ISLAMABAD: Public Accounts Committee (PAC) Thursday expressed its resentment over non-submission of audit record to the Auditor General of Pakistan by the Oil and Gas Regulatory Authority, Pakistan Telecommunication Authority and Frequency Allocation Board and directed them to furnish the same within three days.

The committee also took notice of the ban on new petrol pumps and directed the Cabinet Division to lift the ban and submit a report to the committee within three days.

The committee met under the chair of Noor Alam Khan and examined the audit paras related to the Cabinet Division and its attached departments for the Financial Year 2019-20 and Power Division for the Financial Year 2018-19.

The audit officials complained that the Ogra, PTA and FAB were refusing to submit the record.

The committee chairman questioned whether the PTA, FAB, Nepra and Ogra were conducting audit through the office of Auditor General of Pakistan.

The audit officials told the committee that Ogra, Nepra, PTA and FAB were not giving records to the AGP.

Noor Alam Khan said all institutions were bound to provide records and directed the PTA, Ogra and FAB to provide the record in the next three days.

Noor Alam Khan said the Cabinet Division did not seem to be fully implementing the committee’s orders.

The secretary Cabinet Division told the committee that the Cabinet Division had written to all regulatory bodies that they were bound to provide records on the PAC directives.

PAC member Syed Tariq Hussain remarked that the Cabinet Division should implement the instructions of the PAC in one week.

Chairman PAC Noor Alam Khan directed all the regulatory bodies to provide all the records so that the audit could be done on time.

The chairman Nepra told the committee that they had done the department audit. The deputy auditor general asked Nepra as to why they had taken a stay from the high court.

The chairman Nepra replied the purpose was to keep the information of CPEC projects confidential.

Noor Alam asked the chairman if the audit authorities were enemies of the country, adding, “Under the Constitution, you are obliged to give the records.”

The Auditor General of Pakistan said Nepra had challenged the authority of the auditor general and added the court rejected the plea and later they requested to keep the documents confidential.

Noor Alam Khan asked the secretary Cabinet Division to direct the chairman Nepra to withdraw the application immediately. “Withdraw the request, otherwise send the matter to the prime minister,” he said.

Noor Alam Khan directed the NAB and FIA to immediately take the records from Nepra and furnish the same with the Auditor General of Pakistan.

He also directed that the NAB and FIA officials should also take part in the audit. The PAC chairman told the chairman Nepra that he had undermined the privilege of the Constitution, parliament and PAC, adding, “If government officials don’t audit, then resign.”

Member Committee Syed Tariq Hussain said this was a case of contempt of parliament. Noor Alam Khan asked the chairman Nepra to provide the records by Tuesday or get ready to face contempt of parliament proceedings.

The committee expressed its annoyance over the alleged illegal appointments of officers in the PTA.

The audit officials told the committee that the PTA advertised for Sindh, Fata and Balochistan but people were hired from Punjab and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.

Chairman PAC Noor Alam Khan said that the PTA should investigate the matter and submit a report on the matter.

Meanwhile, Noor Alam Khan deferred the audit paras related to the Intelligence Bureau (IB) due to the absence of its director general and remarked that if there were any IB audit objections, the DG must be present. “Is it your job to just tap the phone?” he asked.

The committee also deferred the examination of audit objections related to the Power Division due to the absence of secretary Power Division.