Friday September 20, 2024

Official rate list not enforced as overcharging continues

By Jawwad Rizvi
May 22, 2023

LAHORE: The price of number of seasonal vegetables reduced in the official rate lists this week but no reduction in the selling prices was recorded and vendors kept on overcharging in the provincial metropolis.

Price control magistrates raid, impose fines and the same shopkeepers are seen selling the perishable at higher rates after the imposition of fine. Besides, the sellers add the fine amount to the consumer prices and overcharge them openly.

The price of chicken reduced by Rs15 per kg, fixed at Rs393-401 per kg, sold at Rs430-470 per kg, and chicken meat by Rs22 per kg, fixed at Rs602 per kg, and sold at Rs650-1,200 per kg.

The price of potato soft skin new A-grade was increased by Re one per kg, fixed at Rs60-66 per kg, sold at Rs100 per kg, B-Grade fixed at Rs50-55 per kg, C-grade at Rs44-48 per kg, mixed sold at Rs70-80 per kg.

The price of onion A-grade unchanged at Rs44-48 per kg, sold at Rs60-70per kg, B-grade fixed at Rs37-40 per kg, and C-grade at Rs30-33 per kg, mixed sold at Rs50 per kg.

The price of tomato A-grade reduced by Rs12 per kg, fixed at Rs30-33 per kg, sold at Rs50 per kg, B-grade at Rs23-25 per kg, and C-grade, fixed at Rs18-20 per kg, B&C sold at Rs30-40 per kg.

The price of garlic local remained unchanged at Rs185-195 per kg, sold at Rs220-240 per kg, and garlic Chinese reduced by Rs10 per kg, fixed at Rs320-335 and sold at Rs400 per kg. The price of Ginger Thai was reduced by Rs5 per kg, fixed at Rs720-740 per kg and sold at Rs1,000 per kg.

Cucumber Farm reduced by Rs10 per kg, fixed at Rs70-74 per kg, sold at Rs70-80 per kg, cucumber local by Rs14 per kg, fixed at Rs57-60 per kg, sold at Rs100-140 per kg. Brinjal price was reduced by Rs10 per kg, fixed at Rs60-64 per kg and sold at Rs80-100 per kg. Bitter gourd price was cut by Rs15 per kg, fixed at Rs120-125 per kg, sold at Rs130-160 per kg.

The price Spinach farm fixed at Rs50-52, sold at Rs80 per kg. Zucchini Farm was unchanged at 80-85 per kg, sold at Rs100 per kg, and Zucchini long reduced by Rs6 per kg, fixed at Rs70-74 per kg, sold at Rs120 per kg, Zucchini local was fixed at Rs100-125 kg, sold at Rs150-160 per kg.

The price of lemon local was declined by Rs50 per kg, fixed at Rs290-300 per kg, sold at Rs400 per kg.

Lufa price was reduced by Rs25 per kg, fixed at Rs70-74 per kg, sold at Rs80-100 per kg. Ladyfinger price was reduced by Rs40 per kg, fixed at Rs120-125 per kg, sold at Rs150-160 per kg. Pumpkin was reduced by Rs10 per kg, fixed at Rs50-53 per kg, sold at Rs60-80 per kg. Sweet pumpkin price reduced by Rs17 per kg, fixed at Rs18-20 per kg, sold at Rs40-50 per kg.

Pea price was increased by Rs40 per kg, fixed at Rs230-240 per kg, sold at Rs320-360 per kg.Mangoes unripe was fixed at Rs80-84 per kg, sold at Rs120-150 per kg. The price of different variety of apples fixed at Rs74-340 per kg, B-grade sold at Rs180-300 per kg, and A grade was sold at Rs450-500 per kg.

The price of Banana Special further gained by Rs15 per dozen, fixed at Rs380-395 per dozen, sold at Rs500 per dozen, A-category by Rs5 per dozen, fixed at Rs260-270 per dozen, sold at Rs350 per dozen, and B-category fixed at Rs175-180 per dozen, sold at Rs250-280 per dozen, and C-category fixed at Rs115-120 per dozen, sold at Rs180-200 per dozen.

Pomegranate Kandhari gained by Rs45 per kg, fixed at Rs435-455 per kg, sold at Rs800 per kg. Melon was fixed at Rs80-100 per kg, sold at Rs100-150 per kg.

Watermelon was gained by Rs5 per kg, fixed at Rs30-33 per kg, sold at Rs40-60 per kg. Peach was fixed at Rs125-175 per kg, sold at Rs200 to 350 per kg. Phalsa gained by Rs20 per kg, fixed at Rs200-210 per kg, sold at Rs240-280 per kg.

Mangoes were fixed at Rs105-235 per kg, sold at Rs150-450 per kg. Plump was fixed at Rs330-565 per kg, sold at Rs400-600 per kg. Apricot was fixed at Rs145-200 per kg, sold at Rs300-400 per kg.