Tuesday July 02, 2024

Internet services being restored: PTA

By Our Correspondent
May 13, 2023

ISLAMABAD: The mobile broadband and social media platforms, suspended after the arrest of PTI Chairman Imran Khan, were being restored in different parts of the country on Friday night.

“The mobile broadband and social media platforms are being restored in a phased manner in different parts of the country,” the PTA spokesperson said when The News asked for her comments.

Earlier, the GSMA had asked the government to lift the ban on the suspension of internet services and restore access as soon as possible.

Julian Gorman, head of Asia Pacific GSMA, in a letter written to Minister for Information Technology Aminul Haq on Friday, said he expressed GSMA concerns over the restriction of connectivity -- internet services in Pakistan.

The telecom industry has so far estimated that the suspension of broadband services has caused revenue losses of around Rs2.4 billion so far as per day losses at Rs824 million.

Gorman said the GSMA, which represented the interests of mobile operators worldwide, was concerned about the impact that the current restrictions were having on citizens and businesses in Pakistan.

He stated that in today’s digital societies, individuals and businesses relied on connectivity for their livelihoods and access to essential services and information. “Prolonged restrictions can also have far-reaching effects on citizens’ health, education, social and economic welfare,” he added.

In addition to the harm imposed on businesses, restrictions could have a knock-on effect on credit and investment plans, ultimately damaging the country’s reputation for managing the economy and foreign investment, he maintained.

The GSMA, he stated, discouraged the use of service restriction orders. Any SRO should be supported by continuous monitoring of the situation and its impact, together with analysis and dynamic decision-making processes allowing swift restoration of services.

The powers to restrict services should be exercised carefully, solely in exceptional and pre-defined circumstances, and only if absolutely necessary and proportionate to achieve a specified and legitimate aim that is consistent with relevant laws, internationally-recognised human rights conventions and the ITU constitution, he said and urged the government to lift suspension of services and restore access as soon as possible. When contacted, Ministry of IT and Telecom sources said the ministry always opposed such a move and considered that banning of Internet would not provide any solution. The PTA had slapped suspension of Internet services on the instruction of the Ministry of Interior and so far no instructions were issued for restoration of the mobile broadband services and social media platforms.