Saturday September 07, 2024

Protest staged in Swat against killings of Pashtuns

By mahboob ali yousafzai & Essa Khankhel
May 06, 2023

MINGORA: Pashtun leaders from across the province on Friday said that it was sad that dozens of Pashtuns were killed during the past two months, but both the

parliament and judiciary had adopted silence.

They expressed these views at a massive protest at Kanju Chowk in Kabal tehsil, where a large number of people from across the province gathered in protest against the recent wave of terrorism, including the CTD building blasts in Kabal tehsil in Swat, Lakki Marwat

police station attack and the killing of eight teachers in a school in Kurram.

The protest was organized by Swat Olasi Pasoon. Prominent among the speakers were PTM chief Manzoor Ahmad Pashteen, Senator Mushtaq Ahmad Khan, MNA Ali Wazir, Mir Kalam Wazir, Saeed Khan, Sher Shah Khan, Ayub Asharey, Talemand Khan, Muzammil Shah, Aftab Khan, Izhar Ahmad, Ajab Khan Toryaley, Abdul Rahim Advocate, Dr. Amjad, and Usman Fanoos Gujjar.

The speakers said that recently dozens of people in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa were killed in different terrorist incidents, but no one raised a voice for them in the parliament and mainstream media.

“The Pakistani media show cricket matches and the dead body of an elephant but unfortunately the media did not give coverage to dead bodies of the Pashtuns, which means the media, parliament and judiciary were least bothered about the Pashtuns,” Senator Mushtaq Ahmad Khan said.

He said that the Chief Justice of Pakistan was busy with politics but could not see the terrorism wave in the Pashtun belt. “More than 22 military operations were conducted on Pashtun areas but still there is no peace,” he said, adding that from January 1 to April 30, at least 120 policemen were killed in KP.

MNA Ali Wazir said that the wrong policies of the state turned the beautiful and peaceful Swat into a hell of gunpowder. He said that Pashtuns had no option but to be united.

PTM chief Manzoor Pashteen said those who created terrorists and spread modern weapons. External forces did not create terrorism in the country, and it was strange that despite launching and carrying out more than 20 military operations, a handful of terrorists were not eliminated.

“Pashtuns are now well aware about the reality of terrorism and will not be deceived this time. We warn those who enter Pahstun areas that people enter here with their own choice and designs but they are expelled with our choice. They do not go back with respect but with humiliation,” he said, adding that every military operation was carried out under strange slogans and names.

The speakers said that no compromise would be made on peace and that Pashtuns should not be killed in the war for dollars. The speakers rejected the claim of the KP police that a short circuit caused the CTD explosion and demanded a judicial inquiry.