Ghaziabad police arrested three robbers and recovered illegal weapons from their possession. The robbers were identified as Hammad, Osama and Ansab. Nawankot police arrested two persons Ali Haider and Jameel for uploading a video of arms display on social media. Samanabad police arrested two persons Hafad and Mahroz and recovered four bikes and weapons from them. Shad Bagh police arrested two persons Ejaz and Abbas for selling kites through social media and recovered 1,200 kites from his possession. After 22 years in hiding, one Abdul Ghafoor, who had killing the manager of a poultry farm Abdul Majeed, was arrested by the Nishtar Colony police from District Jhang.
Eight die in road accidents in 24 hours
The Punjab Emergency Service Department (PESD) responded to 1,033 road traffic accidents in all districts of Punjab during the last 24 hours. In these accidents, eight people died, whereas 1,106 were injured. Out of this, 584 people were seriously injured who were shifted to different hospitals. Whereas, 522 minor injured victims were treated on the spot by Rescue medical teams.
11 unclaimed bodies buried
Edhi Foundation buried 11 unclaimed bodies in Saggian graveyard here Tuesday. According to the spokesman for Edhi Foundation, three unidentified bodies were recovered from Qila Gujar Singh, two from the jurisdiction of Railways police, and one each from Bhatti Gate, Naseerabad, Wahdat Colony, Dharampura, Shafiqabad, and Manawan.
Two found dead
Two persons were found dead in the limits of Tibbi City police on Tuesday. A 45-year-old man was found dead lying near Taxali Chowk and a 30-year-old man was recovered dead from Shahi Mohalla. Police claimed that both the men, yet to be identified, were addicts who might have died of excessive use of drugs. The Edhi volunteers shifted the bodies to the mortuary.
Man shot dead
A 30-year-old man was shot dead during a fight between two groups in Liaqatabad police area on Tuesday. The victim identified as Umair died on the spot. The accused involved in the murder escaped from the scene. The police shifted the body to the morgue.
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