Friday March 21, 2025

Modi govt flayed for demonising minorities

By Our Correspondent
April 14, 2023

LAHORE: Condemning vision and actions of Indian government for demonising minorities and untouchable class, Muhammad Mehdi, Chairman IIRMR & foreign-affairs expert, has said in spite flaunting itself second largest democracy in the world, Modi-led government has pulverized democratic norms in sheer conflict with spirit of India’s own constitution.

He was sharing his thoughts at International Webinar on Ambedkhar’s Jayanti titled Dr Ambedkar’s vision of democracy, constitutional rights & social justice organised by Ambedkar Society for South Asia (ASSA).

As per true spirit of Indian constitution, he said that Kashmir had “special status” on account its disputed nature. However, present government stripped off the constitutional characteristic of special status unilaterally just to fulfill ulterior motives.

“Similarly Sikh community is also under fire. Same fate is upon other minorities and untouchable class,” he added. Another sinister step being taken by Indian government, he said, is to plan holding of G20 conference in Sri Nagar, Kashmir which is internationally declared disputed area. Technically speaking, he claimed, as per global norms, any international conference can never be organised in disputed land. “Hence it is another blatant and hideous plan in making,” he warned.

Since there is no letup, India is attempting to unlawfully change Indus water Treaty to impose its water hegemony despite the fact that treaty says clearly that unless both parties agree, no tweaks can be entertained, he added.

Once Ambedkar as charismatic personality struggled for rights of untouchable community against highhandedness of upper-class in modern age during British rule in Indian society. On paper, Constitution of India has quelled the scourge of caste system but practically it is still imposed and practiced making mockery of Indian constitution and democracy. As part of show off to throw dust into eyes of democratic world,

On the occasion, participants Prof Dr Vinod Kumar Professor of Law Director, Centre for human rights National Law university Delhi & Dr Seemaa Mathur Prof of Political Science, Kalindi College, University of Delhi said that late Dr Ambedkar is a name of perpetual cause and his selfless work is great favour to Indian society.