ISLAMABAD: A local court on Tuesday suspended the non-bailable arrest warrants for former prime minister Imran Khan till March 16, in the judge threatening case. Additional Sessions Judge Faizan Haider Gilani announced the verdict on a petition filed by the PTI chairman. Imran’s lawyer adopted the stance that all sections applied in the FIR against his client were bailable. To a question from the judge, he said that previously no warrants were issued in this case. His client is a former prime minister and it is his right to be provided security.
The judge asked whether the petitioner had anything in writing regarding the withdrawal of security? The lawyer said he would provide the same. The judge asked the lawyer to tell any legal reforms introduced by the PTI government. He said Imran could come to court as it had to provide him with copies of the case documents.
The prosecutor said the sections applied in the FIR had no connection with the arrest warrants. The PTI lawyer prayed to the court to adjourn the case till March 21, as they had filed a petition with the IHC, seeking appearance of Imran through video link. Taunting at this, the judge said that then he could adjourn the case for two months.
After hearing arguments, the court suspended the arrest warrants of Imran Khan till March 16. The court also instructed the lawyer to provide the proof regarding the withdrawal of security of Imran.
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