Saturday September 07, 2024

‘Focus on best professional training in Railways’

By Our Correspondent
February 01, 2023

LAHORE:Around 207 trainees of the 5th Intermediate, 26th Lower and 1st Short Armourer School Courses received training in eight important subjects in 16 weeks of training that include Railway law, ethics, character building, physical training, weapon handling and firing, including Stress Management and Control of Anger (SMCA).

Training in charge DIG North Dr Muhammad Waqar Abbasi gave a warm welcome to Chief Guest IG Railways Rao Sardar Ali Khan. Principal Walton Syed Ibrar Abbas delivered a speech and apprised the audience of training module taught to the trainees in four months.

IG Railways, in his address, congratulated the trainees for their outstanding achievement. He appreciated the efforts of the instructors and the principal and expressed that Railways Police Training School Walton is considered as a valuable institution which inculcates outstanding qualities in its trainees.

He said that special attention was being paid to best professional training in Railways Police to speed up promotion of personnel on the basis of merit and seniority. He said that digitisation was started in Railways Police to meet the requirements of the modern era and it would be appropriate to say that with the special efforts of DIG North Dr Muhammad Waqar Abbasi, half century old manual system of police stations has turned into digital. Through the project, CRMS and PSRMS have been made a part of the Railways Police. Apart from this, modern e-Police Post App to catch habitual offenders, judicial and police absconders involved in heinous crimes has also been introduced.

It is worth mentioning that a control room is being set up in CPO Railways in which Akbar Control, e-Police Post app monitoring unit, CCTV room and Rail Guard Room will start functioning under one roof, added IG Railways.

He directed all the passed-out trainees to perform their duties with dedication and help passengers in distress. He said that keep yourself diligent and ready for the development of Pakistan Railways and develop the ability to become a true servant of the people. IG Railways criticised in strong words the cowardly act of terrorists on Peshawar Police Lines mosque. Special prizes were also given to the best performing trainees. DIG South Capt(r) Abdul Saeed Naveed, DG Walton Sameenullah Khan Gandapur, AIG Admin Railways Syed Hamad Haider and SP Lahore and others attended the ceremony.