Friday September 20, 2024

Charity races to save migrants despite Italy’s new law

January 03, 2023

ROME: A charity rescue ship in the Mediterranean said on Monday it was racing to help a migrant boat in distress, but feared doing so might break the far-right Italian government´s new law on life-saving missions.

“We are heading towards the boat in danger, to assist,” Doctors Without Borders press officer Maurizio Debanne told AFP, after the Geo Barents ship was told some 45 to 50 people were stranded at sea.

But he said it fears falling foul of a new decree signed into law on Monday, aimed at restricting the numbers being brought to shore by limiting the number of rescues charities can make at any one time.

Rescues must be signed off on by Rome, which can order charities not to assist people, Debanne said. Doctors Without Borders (MSF) published a series of tweets earlier Monday making it clear it was only aiding boats after being requested to by Italian authorities.

It also said Rome had asked the Geo Barents in one case not to assist, because the situation was “being managed by Libya”. The ship obeyed, and began heading instead to the port of Taranto, with 85 rescued people on board.

It then received an alert from Alarm Phone, a hotline used by migrants in distress, about a boat in trouble on their route. “We immediately requested permission from the Italian authorities to intervene, but received no reply,” Debanne said. “If we find the boat, and perform the rescue without permission, Italy could theoretically say we have broken the new law.

“But under international law and maritime conventions, we are obliged to assist those in danger.” The Geo Barents was not going off course to look for migrants, he insisted, saying those in trouble were on its route to port.

Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni´s hard-right government took office in October, vowing to stop migrant landings in Italy, which reached more than 105,000 in 2022, according to the interior ministry. She claims migrants and people traffickers are encouraged by the charities which rescue people attempting the perilous crossing from North Africa.