LAHORE: District Education Officer (DEO) Lahore has removed Mr Imran Liaqat, the headmaster of Government Elementary School Muftpura, near Bandaya Wala, Chungi Amar Sidhu, from
his post after an inquiry proved serious allegations levelled against him by teachers, lower staff and parents.
The official inquiry proved all the complaints sent to the DEO by fellow staff and parents that accused Imran Liaqat of being an extremely rude and arrogant person who openly insults teachers especially females, parents, students and lower staff.
He was also accused of habitually subjecting the students to corporal punishment and the staff to sectarian bias, disallowing recitation of Quran, Durood and Milad in the school, of threatening staff to spoil the service record of the staff if they disobeyed him and failed to give written statements in his favour.
He was accused of expelling the students whose parents complained to him about his misbehavior. He was also found giving undue favours to his wife who was also a teacher in the same school. The inquiry found that Imran Liaqat was already facing several inquiries of professional misconduct, and that the enrolment in the school was decreasing fast due to his rude behaviour with others.
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