Saturday September 07, 2024

Siraj slams politicians for ‘harming country’

By Our Correspondent
December 19, 2022

LAHORE:Jamaat-e-Islami ameer Siraj-ul-Haq on Sunday said that the incompetence and corruption of political dwarfs pushed the country a hundred years back in the development process.

All those who ruled the country gave nothing but disappointment to the people. Talking to media at the inaugural ceremony of the central office of Jamiat Talaba Arabia Pakistan (JTA) in Icchra, Siraj said the country has always seen selection instead of elections, which caused huge losses to the whole nation. He said the day democracy became free in Pakistan and people got the opportunity to vote freely, Jamaat-e-Islami would achieve great success with the trust and vote of the people.

He said that Pakistan is very far from its real freedom, while 99 percent of the people wanted the Islamic system of government in the country. Siraj-ul-Haq said PDM rules in the Centre, PTI government in Punjab and KP, and PPP government in Sindh, but all of them badly failed to deliver. These people sunk the economy, destroyed the politics, caused huge inflation, unemployment and poverty.

He demanded that reforms must be held before the elections; otherwise, whole exercise will remain a waste of resources, time and energy. He said that PDM and PTI wanted to keep the status quo, to win election with money of the mafias, to buy loyalties and cheat the masses once again.