

By You Desk
Tue, 02, 22

Recently, given through Dawood Global Foundation’s Ladiesfund 10,000 wheelchair drive, was to make Pakistan and Pakistanis more mobile by supporting people with disabilities...


chatter matter

Donating to the causes you care about through charities or by helping those in need, can be a deeply rewarding experience. Millions of people give to charity and help those who need it on a regular basis to support causes they believe in, as well as for the positive effect it has on their own lives.

In this regard, the distribution of 100 wheelchairs, recently, given through Dawood Global Foundation’s Ladiesfund 10,000 wheelchair drive, was to make Pakistan and Pakistanis more mobile by supporting people with disabilities. It was in collaboration with donor Islamabad Foreign Wives Association (IFWA). The association who has been raising funds through multiple activities, striving to support needy women and children recounted that women patients and women individuals received these wheelchairs. The distribution was at National Institute of Rehabilitation Medicine (NIRMs) where wheelchairs were gifted and was split between handicapped individual women recipients and the hospital itself. The institute provides Diagnostic, Medical, Surgical and Rehabilitative services to persons with disability free of cost coming from all over the country. Executive Director NIRM, Dr Shabana Saleem welcomed the guests and expressed gratitude for this much needed donation, especially since the last time wheelchairs had been donated was 2005 and many were in very poor conditions.

Begum Samina Alvi, First Lady of Pakistan, who was the chief guest shared her views, “I want to appreciate Tara Dawood and her foundation for arranging these wheelchairs and hope in the future we work more and more together. I really appreciate this effort to distribute throughout Pakistan. It’s a very good step.”


“We are very humbled by this experience of interacting with and giving to some of the most unseen and oft time’s forgotten citizens of our nation,” said Tara Uzra Dawood.

Ammad Siddiqui, Project Manager Ladiesfund Wheels, who was responsible for both the procurement and the due diligence of the distribution shared her views, “My goal is to deliver wheelchairs to people with disabilities in every corner of Pakistan, who cannot fulfil the purpose of their life due to their disability.”


It was an emotional experience for everyone involved. A recitation was performed by the talented Gulzar Irfan, while seated in the wheelchair she had just received. The donation programme was an amazing step to recognise and provide a better life for people with disabilities.

– You! desk