

By Z. K
01 February, 2022

We have compiled a list of few healthy yoga practices, adopt these practices in your daily life and start living a more meaningful and mindful life...



Yoga is a spiritual, mental and physical practice that has been around since ages. It is a traditional science with roots in the Vedic wisdom that removes impurities from the levels of mind, makes muscles strong, and limbs flexible. Including yoga in your daily habit allows you to adopt a positive lifestyle. Yoga does more than burning calories and strengthening muscles, it is a workout which involves both body and mind. It helps in minimising the effects of depression, tension, and tiredness. With time, people have discovered a number of health benefits associated with yoga. We have compiled a list of few healthy yoga practices, adopt these practices in your daily life and start living a more meaningful and mindful life...

Promotes conscious eating: Living a life inspired by yogic principles promotes conscious living and thoughtful actions. It motivates us to listen to our body’s needs and inculcates the habit of healthy eating by identifying hunger and completeness cues. Practicing yoga helps you be more aware how your body feels. This heightened awareness can carry over to mealtime as you savour each bite or sip, and note how food smells, tastes and feels in your mouth.

Improves posture: Yoga not only helps to make your body healthy but also maintains its posture by balancing the overall functioning of your body. Working for long hours on a desk could not only hurt your spine but also make you feel tired at the end of the day. Practicing certain yoga asanas (a body posture for a sitting meditation pose, and later extended in modern yoga as exercise, to any type of position) could help you in improving your posture and also prevent pain in your neck and lower back.

Increases flexibility: When was the last time you wished you could easily touch your toes which bending forward? Well, practicing yoga could help you in that. Yoga includes plenty of postures like forwarding bending, backward bending, twists, and turns to make your spine healthy and flexible. Yoga can not only help you in increasing your flexibility but also let you perform complex asanas. By doing regular exercise or yoga, you’ll probably notice that your body becomes more flexible and stretchable.


Contributes towards a healthy heart: Regularly practicing yoga assists you towards a healthier heart. The relaxation exercises in yoga regulate blood to all parts of your body. Exercises such as handstand, helps venous blood from the lower part of the body to flow back to your heart, where it can be pumped back to the lungs to be oxygenated.

Yoga not only helps in lowering blood sugar but also lowers bad cholesterol and boosts good cholesterol. People who suffer from high blood pressure must practice yoga to maintain it.

Calms your nervous system: In maintaining the health of your body, your nervous system must be mediated. Using a yogic meditation technique helps to cool down your body, mind, and soul. Meditation is an excellent process to keep your nervous system healthy. Regularly practicing 20-30 minutes of meditation promotes good sleep, alertness, confidence, and keeps you engaged in activities. In a nutshell yoga calms the nervous system and improves the respiratory tract and lungs by stimulating the lymphatic system.

Helps you sleep better: We all are so much into work that we compromise our sleep, resulting in headaches, anxiety, stress, etc. Meditation and asanas encourage better sleep by reducing the tiredness, and stress from the body. Yoga has been shown to be helpful for sleep in studies of older adults, people with arthritis, pregnant women, and other groups.

Prevent digestive problems: Digestive problems like ulcers, syndrome, constipation, and irritable bowel all can affect your health and even you are more likely to suffer stress. Yoga works well in providing relief from all such problems. Physical exercise activates the efficiency of your body cells, which helps your body to fight against various problems.

Reduces stress: Yoga involves meditation which allows us to clear our mind from all the clutter, reduces stress, and enhances our perception. You can practice meditation in a quiet room in your home or a peaceful corner of your office. Yoga also involves breathing exercises that force you to pay attention to your breath. Deep breathing can help you relax almost instantly, which can help relieve stress and anxiety.

Boosts energy and mood: Exercise boots energy and mood, and yoga is no exception. Many who practice it do so for its benefits in terms of relaxation and stress management. Yoga can yield emotional health benefits because it’s an exercise that works both the body and the mind.

Focusing on body postures can shift attention away from negative thinking.

Wards off depression: Research shows yoga can benefit people with depression too. When you perform any yoga posture or asana you will not have any negative energy left or you will never stop in between the negative circumstances. Yoga has that much power that it can release any type of negativity which leads to the reduction of depression.

Gives you peace of mind: Yoga is an excellent way to connect your mind and body. With certain asanas, you can do that by controlling breathing with the movement of your body and retrain your mind to get calm and peaceful. No doubt, yoga provides numerous benefits to your body, but most importantly, it provides you peace of mind by slowing down the loops of frustration, anger, fear, regret and stress.