his week You! has compiled horoscope predictions for 2016. Read on and find out all about your horoscope..
This week You! has compiled horoscope predictions for 2016. Read on and find out all about your horoscope...
Do you love reading your horoscope whenever you get the chance? Well, if you follow your horoscope religiously and believe it to be true or go through it just for entertainment purposes, you are in luck as this week You! brings the predictions of 2016. Read on to find out more...
Aries: March 21 - April 19
It is time to take charge of your public image and excel at the work of your choice. It will need effort, but you are set to take the challenge. This year will provide you with better working conditions, or possibly a new job with increased salary. However, respect your physical limits and don’t over-commit. Your health and well-being are just as important as any extra praise or profit you might receive. Those who are single will be surrounded by fascinating and attractive prospects, but it is important to be selective. In many ways, 2016 will turn out to be magical as well as powerful for you!
Taurus: April 20 - May 20
People will see you differently this year, even if you change nothing. Be adaptable but firm, and be happy with yourself. Although career is very important and professional predictions seem to be quite stable, for most Taureans it doesn’t seem to be a priority this year. Some of you may be returning to school, or taking extra academic classes. Love will surround you in 2016. Some of you might have been feeling stuck with love/committed relationships, but things will change. Strong emotional bonds and karmic connections will keep you in touch with the right people. Don’t get over-ambitious, and prioritize your health.
Gemini: May 21 - June 20
This year is all about making progress, getting and holding on to those things that you love the most, and not being rushed into making decisions. You will be asking all the right questions and will refuse to proceed without solid answers. This year home life will be satisfying and some family mysteries may be solved, or resolved. Emotional ties and romance are empowered and someone ‘too good to be true’ may appear. It is also a year to firm up your position and get some real staying power in your work situation or career slot. Your health will be just fine but don’t forget to follow a healthy regime.
Cancer: June 21 - July 22
2016 is your kind of year, Cancer as there will be great relationships between friends and family, with little or no stress or complications. You will have plenty of surprises and opportunities to grow professionally and advance in the world. Romance is in the air in 2016. For those who are single, get ready for someone special to enter your life. If you are already in a relationship, partners want to listen to you and make you happy. Let them make you their priority in 2016. It is important that you don’t stress, take care of your health, and enjoy a charmed year!
Leo: July 23 - August 22
For the dramatic, generous and romantic Leo, 2016 is the year to expand on emotional happiness and financial future. This year is all about improving your performance on the job, and keeping a watch on finances. If are you single, then don’t worry as you will attract plenty of attention just by being yourself. If you are in a relationship, make wise decisions at home and assume the authority that friends and family members are assigning to you. Make sure to take care of your health and stay active. This year, just be your awesome Leo self!
Virgo: August 23 - September 22
2016 is brimming with bright new ideas, abundance, and charm, Virgo. Professionally, you will be your own best resource. Just stay confident. There will be practical ideas that you can put to good use and make progress at work place. This year, be attentive, as more work opportunities may arise proving to be a turning point in your career! All you single Virgos out there, the unusual and thrilling may appeal to you more in 2016 and you may end up connecting with a kindred spirit. For you, this year is more about an inner journey.
Libra: September 23 - October 22
Libra, your tact and social skills will be in high demand and this will bring great satisfaction and happiness. When everyone is working hard to get ahead, your talents will make way for you and create more opportunities. Sharp thinking and an appreciation for something new could launch you into a new, better direction by the end of the year. Make sure to be thorough and trust your judgment completely. As for love, expect the unexpected. Those who are in a relationship, be ready as 2016 will be quite adventurous. This year just be ambitious and aim for the stars!
Scorpio: October 23 - Nov 21
Are there any barriers that have been holding you back, Scorpio? Well, 2016 is the year to demolish them! With clear thinking and sheer force of will, you can accomplish what your heart desires. However, work on your patience level as this will solve more problems than created. Also, there will be a lot of celestial support for your career and money situation. If you are in a relationship lighten up and take things one step at a time. It will be in the realm of family and friends that you may see the most progress.
Sagittarius: Nov 22 - Dec 21
Sagittarius, in 2016 it looks like the stars are giving you a free pass to indulge in your own pleasures and pursuits. You will have more than enough resources and creativity to make the best use of everything that comes your way. This year is especially favourable for your health and your love life will become interesting. Look for deeper qualities and connect with someone who shares your view. Career opportunities will come in 2016, be patient, take a close look at any and all offers, and don’t feel pressured to make quick decisions.
Capricorn: Dec 22 - January 19
In 2016, Capricorns can accomplish more than they can imagine, simply by sticking to their favourite mode of doing things i.e. with slow and steady efforts. Achievements, small and large, will give you the most satisfaction and those things will not be purely about money or prestige. Let yourself feel deeply about everything and everyone you love. Love may not be outwardly expressed, so relax and pay attention. Little gestures and hints will be important all year. In 2016 you will be exposed to a broader world and a new perspective on career, work, or lifestyle.
Aquarius: January 20 - Feb 18
Career progress is steady for Aquarians in 2016, and can gradually lead to big success. Most of your work will be mental, and you will always come up with brilliant ideas. This year you will recognize your own potential that others may overlook. Love issues and social life will loom large, keeping Aquarians busy and happy in beautiful surroundings with charming people. An appetite for knowledge and adventure may come out of nowhere, and you will find practical ways to satisfy these yearnings.
Pisces: February 19 - March 20
Pisces, this year you will be redefining your romantic world and reshaping your body image. This is the year you are filled with optimism about your professional life and nothing can hinder the progress you make in 2016. Love lights up your life and your own dreamy and creative imagination may turn your relationship into a thing of beauty, or a true soul-union. Also, this is the year you begin a stricter and healthier daily regime as the need to take better care of yourself continually grows.