This week You! talks to Wasif about his likes and dislikes....
you & me
Contrary to general perception, male models are much more than a good face, chiselled body and sex appeal. They inspire millions around the world through their hard work and relentless dedication. One such name is Muhammad Wasif who rose through the ranks and truly earned his spot in the cut throat competition of modelling and fitness industry. Having endorsed by big brands like Levis, Bonanza, Dockers, Ideas Man, Splash, Wall’s, YBQ, Tariq Amin etc, today he is one of the sought after male models. He emerged as an obvious choice of sculptor Amin Gulgee, who booked him for many of his splendid art shows. No fashion show is considered without his name in the list and that too on the top; be it FPW or BCW, PFW, PFDC or HUM style show, he walks the ramp and wins the hearts. Realising his potential being limitless, he was taken on board as a spokesperson by several fitness clubs and Tv channels including morning shows at GEO TV with Nadia Khan and Shaista Lodhi. He is the Programme Director of almost all fitness events and challenges in Pakistan and apart from his alluring modelling career, he is successfully running a Fitness Trainer Certification Programme XFORCE. This week You! talks to Wasif about his likes and dislikes.
Your biggest asset:
My mind, soul and body.
You wish you could:
Get up and go anywhere in the world at any given time.
A person you would love to dine out with;
My future wife.
Your worst nightmare:
It’s a little tricky to answer. But realistically, losing my loved ones.
Your definition of love:
It's all about giving unconditionally. True love is a commitment… it's enduring.
One thing you dislike about yourself:
I am a bit of a procrastinator.
Something you would like to remember:
All of my fitness programmes which I consider as my humble contribution to the fitness industry of Pakistan like Get Fit Pakistan, Bodymakeover Challange, Fit in 5 Games, VelocityX, Extreme and many more.
Your strength:
The deadlift exercise. Just kidding. The innate ability to learn things really quick.
Your achievement:
My services to the fitness industry since 2006.
You felt overwhelmingly blessed…
When I successfully launched and initiated a Fitness Trainer Certification Programme, XFORCE in Karachi.
To defy the laws of aging you prefer…
Protein-focused diet as I don't respond well to high carbs and sugar.
You get dejected when;
To see people working too hard all day, 24/7, but not giving due care to their fitness.
Something that you’re strongly possessive about:
My freedom and my space are extremely dear to me.
You get turned on by…
Beauty in all forms and shapes, haha!
When feeling low you prefer…
I don't get time to feel low and that is the best part of being in fitness and showbiz industry; however, if that ever happens, I know how to recollect myself.
The most unforgettable moments of your life was:
My selection as International Representative for IDEA WORLD (USA) and that too for two consecutive years.
What touches you the most?
People taking care of each other and holding hands at the time of need.
If you could be another person you'd like to be…
Don't want to be any other person, just want to be a better version of myself.
For you, success is…
Success is not a milestone, it's just a state and one needs to be reasonably consistent enough to be able to retain it rationally.
Your message:
Keep your surrounding clean, and no matter wherever you go, spread peace and love.