

By You Desk
Tue, 03, 20

This week You! collaborates with Cooking Expert, Zarnak Sidhwa, who shares her recipe for ‘Sev’...


Every year on March 21, Navroze is celebrated to commemorate the first day of the spring and also the vernal equinox of the sun. As most of the people celebrate this auspicious occasion, this week You! collaborates with Cooking Expert, Zarnak Sidhwa, who shares her recipe for ‘Sev’...


Vermicelli 200 grams

Ghee 2 cups

Sugar 11/2 cups

Vanilla essence 1 tsp

Cardamom powder 1/2 tsp

Nutmeg powder 1/2 tsp

Almonds (blanched and slivered) 1/2 cup

Raisins 1/2 cup


  • Heat one cup of water, add sugar and stir so that the sugar dissolves completely. Set aside.
  • Break the vermicelli into 1 1/2 inch pieces. Heat ghee in a pan and add the vermicelli pieces and fry gently on low heat, stirring occasionally, till they turn evenly golden.
  • Drain the ghee into a bowl and return the vermicelli pieces to the pan. Add the sheera (sugar and water), little by little, cover and cook on medium heat till the vermicelli gets cooked but not mushy.
  • Heat a little of the drained ghee in another pan. Add slivered almonds and saute till light brown. Remove when done.
  • In the same ghee, add raisins and saute till they fluff up. They will burn very quickly so keep an eye! Drain.
  • Add vanilla essence along with nutmeg and green cardamom powder to the vermicelli and mix gently.
  • Remove in a serving dish preferably a glass bowl. Top with raisins and almonds and serve warm.