Don’t hide your insecurities under big clothes! We have compiled 12 simple ways to slim down in summer, and feel good inside and out...
Don’t hide your insecurities under big clothes! We have compiled 12 simple ways to slim down in summer, and feel good inside and out...
What’s not to love about summer? It’s the season of relaxing vacations and outdoor activities. You might have lazed around or eaten a lot of junk during the winters, but fortunately summer is here and it’s time to shed off those extra pounds you added over the winter. It is being noticed that people tend to lose more weight during summers. Remember a weight loss plan is made up of 80 % diet plan and 20 % workout plan. Therefore, you ought to control your diet. Eat a light dinner at night. Make sure that you eat your dinner at least 2 hours before you go to sleep. We’ve got some no-fail tips for you to lose weight, and feel more confident in summers...
1. Go organic: The first diet tip is to cut down the food you eat and go organic, which means eating more salads, fruits, and vegetables. Avoid oil, butter, ghee, cheese, and other fattening dairy products. Switch to green tea, mint tea or lemon tea, any tea is fine as long as you do not add milk and sugar to it.
2. No water weight: As winter season is dry, some quantity of water is stored in body to prevent dehydration. This is also a reason why we gain more weight in winters than in summers. But in summers, body sweats a lot thus body lose weight. You can drink more water without fears and lose weight easily in summer.
3. Stay away from temptations: Get temptations out of the home or office. This will limit those emotional binging moments. Stock up with fruits, veggies, yogurt, and other. Making small changes will help you reach your goals. Instead of ice cream, go for frozen yogurt. Replace your potato chips with baked chips.
4. Banish bloating: Take a tip from brides-to-be by abstaining from bloating foods, like beans and artificial sweeteners, for the next two weeks. Learn more bloating foods to avoid here. You can also use your meals to fight bloating, so fill your plate with summer fruits like watermelon, pineapple, papaya and peaches.
5. Soup delight: Experts say that soup is a great appetite suppressant as it has combination of liquids and solids that bust hunger. Eating soup before meals can help lower total calorie intake by about 20%. You can make it your main meal too!
6. Sensible eating: A great way to start adjusting to healthy eating is to not go mad all at once. As opposed to eliminating foods, try substituting it instead. When it comes to rice and pasta, opt for brown versions, as they are higher in fibre. The same goes for bread - swap the white bread for some whole meal; it tastes so much better with less calories! Try to eat fruit in between your meals to stop snacking on food that aren’t helping your waistline!
7. Emotional eating: There are days when we just feel down and don’t want to do anything but eat a tub of ice cream, devour a cake, or order a deep-dish pizza and watch our favourite movies. The key to dealing with emotional eating is to consciously take control of the situation. When you’re just about to delve into whatever you’ve chosen, walk away and run a bath, paint your nails, or simply step outside, take a few deep breaths and ask yourself if you really want to eat it.
8. Ditch the juice: Fruit juice is a higher sugar, lower-nutrient version of its source - and it contains less fiber, too. Besides, plenty of the nutritional goodies in fruit are concentrated in the skins, which tend to be lost in juicing. If you want apple juice, eat the apple, and have a glass of water with it.
9. Change your coffee order: While coffee itself is no bad thing, the dairy and sugar that go into it can be real calorie traps. For the next few weeks, swap your usual latte for black coffee, green tea and herb tea. You may well find that after six weeks, the milky, frothy lattes you once adored have lost their allure... this is the ‘brain retrain’ you’re after: a change of mind to change your shape.
10. Say hello to homemade cooking: People think that if they go to the gym they can eat whatever they want. WRONG! If you seriously want to shape up for the summer, you need to say goodbye to fast food. When you eat out, many of the foods you are ingesting are cooked in butter or other fattening ingredients, which is exactly the stuff you want to stay away from. Therefore, your best bet is to prepare and cook your own food.
11. Get good sleep: Get into a routine that includes exercising, scheduling your meals and working on your sleep patterns, and try to avoid using your phone while in bed. If you sleep well, then the metabolism of your body will be good which will in turn help you to burn your extra calories faster.
12. Summer workouts: Naturally, summer heat itself burns body fats and calories at a higher rate. As you are easily losing weight you also tend to do workouts to make weight loss very effective. Opt for the best summer workouts to lose weight faster; sweat a lot, drink a lot and lose weight easily.