
The angel in my life

By Sumeha Khalid
Tue, 05, 17

This Mother’s Day, our very own celebrity moms share how important motherhood is to them. Also, they dig deep to come up with their most memorable mother/child moment. Read on...

This Mother’s Day, our very own celebrity moms share how important motherhood is to them. Also, they dig deep to come up with their most memorable mother/child moment. Read on...

1. How much time do you manage to give your kids daily?

2. ‑Do you believe that mothers have a special role to play  in their kids’ upbringing?

3. ‑How do you manage to strike a balance between  professional and personal life?

4. Activities you and your kids enjoy together?

5. Most cherished mother/child moment...

6. What could be the best gift for you this Mother’s Day? 

7. A message for your kids on Mother’s Day.

Mehreen Syed model, entrepreneur & actressThe angel in my life

1: My day starts with getting my daughter ready for school. Once I pick her up we spend fun, quality time together. My entire day revolves around her.

2: The most important relationship is that of a mother and child. A child’s basic learning stems from their mother and this gives children a sense of belonging and builds their confidence as well. Until a child doesn’t go to school, all his/her learning is from the mother.

3: I manage by dividing my time and ensuring that I follow my regular routine with Aman as closely as possible and then continue with my shoot or show.

4: Every single activity I do with my daughter is special to me and I try my best to make every activity a learning experience for her. As I have done child psychology, I try to make any game or conversation a learning tool for her as right now, it is necessary for her mind and personality development.

5: Every moment a mother spends with her child is so special that it’s difficult to choose one. She has recently started talking and I love it when she asks me what a word means or tries to learn a new thing. She recently learned to recite the first Kalma and that was a proud moment for me. Also, on her first parents day meet up at school, her performance was so delightful that it touched my heart completely.

6: It fills every mother’s heart with joy when her child gives her a beautiful smile and a warm hug... I feel that completes me!

7: Always shine bright, stay happy and believe in yourself. All my duas are with you!

Zhalay Sarhadi actress & modelThe angel in my life

1: When I am working I give Anaya three to four hours... if not then mostly the entire day is spent with her.

2: Hahaha! That is an understatement! Mothers are the ones responsible for a child’s growth both physically and mentally.

3: I learnt it through experience. You have to straighten your priorities and it all comes together in the end.

4: Anaya and I both love to read and draw. We mostly do that together. Also, since we are girls we love to shop for clothes as well.

5: Whenever Anaya makes me a card with an ‘I love you mom’ line, or hugs me, it melts my heart.

6: Just that Anaya grows to be a sweet person (that she already is), and becomes a stronger, independent girl in the coming years. That would be a gift for me forever.

7: I want to thank Anaya for bringing so much joy into my life and that she has taught me the true meaning of love. I wish her great health, happiness and success.

Sania Maskatiya designerThe angel in my life

1: It varies from day to day but I try and spend as much quality time with my kids as I can.

2: Of course they do, just as fathers do.

3: Time management is the key. It is very essential to slot and assign daily tasks to certain times of the day to ensure that you give quality time to your children and your profession.

4: Playing board games, snacking on junk food, reading bed time stories etc.

5: I would need an entire book to pen that down...there have been countless special moments.

6: Hugs, kisses and a handmade card.   

7: Always be kind and compassionate, honest and hardworking in all your endeavours.

Samar Mehdi  designerThe angel in my life

1: ‑I am a very hands-on mother. Each day is planned in such a way that when my children need me, especially around exams, for extra-curricular activities or even on a daily basis, I’m always there for them.

2: ‑Yes, of course they do. A mother’s role is the most important in a child’s upbringing and should never be replaced by anyone. Only she can teach her sons how to be a gentleman and respect women.

3: ‑It’s very easy to strike a balance between professional and personal life when you know that your first priority is always your children. You plan a family knowing exactly how many kids you can give quality time to. If my children need me, I am always there for them but if an important assignment or work commitment shows up, then they are left in the capable care of family.

4: ‑Travelling is a common passion in the family. I don’t believe in taking holidays without my boys. We love travelling together for a big, bumper summer vacation and a mini winter break which gives the whole family a perfect opportunity to bond together.

5: ‑Whenever my sons win an award for an academic or extra-curricular achievement. When I am praised and applauded not as being a designer but as the mother of two boys, that moment is very special indeed.

6: Just a big hug and them saying, ‘Mama, we love you’, like they tell me every Mother’s Day.

7: ‑You boys have always excelled in your school activities and academics, but the thing that makes me most proud is that you have turned into two amazing, level-headed, humble human beings with good manners who respect women and elders.

Atiqa Odho actress, social activist & entrepreneurThe angel in my life

1: ‑My kids are all grown up and have independent lives but we often spend time together on weekends, special family occasions or travel. They are busy with careers and little kids of their own now. My grandchildren come over every Sunday to spend time with me.

2: ‑Mothers are the centre of a child’s life. Children can manage if father’s leave but mother’s that abandon their children have a bigger negative impact on families.

3: ‑It requires good time management and discipline in order to create a balance between personal and professional lives. Everything is possible if you focus and work hard on important things.

4: ‑We have always loved to travel together as that gives us quality time away from day to day stresses. We also enjoy fun meals together or watching a good movie at the cinema.

5: ‑There have been many wonderful times as a family together. Lots of joy and also some difficult times but we have come out of those as strong individuals.

6: ‑A nice evening out full of fun and laughter to add to their baby albums that I’ve kept of them from the day each of them was born. Good memories are one’s greatest treasure.

7: ‑I’d like to wish my three beautiful children lots of love and luck in their lives. They have been my greatest achievement and my toughest challenge as a parent. I have tried my best to be a good mother. At times I got it right and at times I know I fell short. We can never be perfect as parents as it’s the toughest job in the world, but I’d like them to know that I’ve tried my best and apologise for the times I feel I could have done better.

Saeeda Mandviwalla stylist & entrepreneurThe angel in my life

1: My kids are grown up now; however, they still need my time so dinner in the evening together and a chat after that is what we do.

2: Mums are the pillars for keeping unity and balance in a family. Children need to be loved and cared and reminded that patience is needed to keep a family unit intact. They also need to be told what is wrong and right, which only a mother can tell while bringing them up.

3: I keep work to work and personal very personal so my social life includes only family and close friends. This is sometimes a bit hard in a country like Pakistan where people mix business and pleasure. However, I have drawn the line and done it consciously. I think I am good at it.

4: We love watching movies together and going out for dinner and gossiping.

5: I cried with joy when my daughter and son sang for me and played the guitar for the first time. Also, my middle daughter tells me that she wants to be like me... that are the sweetest memories with them!

6: I am extremely proud of all my children and love the way they have all grown into responsible young adults. They make me proud every day which is the best gift I receive from them.

7: Love me, show respect always, and stop me from eating chocolates (haha).

Mona J beauticianThe angel in my life

1: There’s no time limit. My entire life, every minute is dedicated to my kids. I need to focus on my work too, but I make sure that I give them my complete attention and time.

2: Of course. Mothers are very close to their kids and have to be in tune with their feelings. They are the ones who understand them best and can guide them in every sphere of life.

3: A woman can definitely strike a balance with the help of family. The kids need to be a bit understanding in this regard, and consider the fact that their mother dotes on them but needs to focus on her work as well.

4: Cooking, going on vacations, scrabble, computer games and movies are some of our favourite family activities.

5: For my birthday my older son Mustafa wrote a poem for me and it brought tears to my eyes.

6: The best gift from them is the love and unity among my kids. I love to see them growing together as good and caring siblings.

7: Always believe in excellence and try your level best to achieve it.

Kanza Wyne model & actressThe angel in my life

1: All my time is for my child. It really can’t be translated in hours or minutes per day as each and every day the time I spend with him differs. Some days my child has a day full of activities where he is happy to explore independently while on others, he might be teething or not feeling all that great and need me more.

2: There is a reason and a huge symbolism in the fact that a child is nurtured in the mother’s belly and not the father’s. As far as I am concerned, a mother is and will always remain as important in the child’s upbringing as she was when he was inside her. Each and every day a mother shapes what her child is going to grow up to be.

3: Sadly, I haven’t been able to maintain the balance between professional and personal life after my child. I could use my child’s acute allergies as an excuse but I think the biggest reason is that I really don’t want to miss out on even a moment of this fleeting time. I do take projects on and off but I am more than content staying at home for now.

4: From reading to wrestling, adopting stray dogs and feeding all the neighbourhood cats... I have found that only a child can put that exciting passion and make every old activity seem like something completely new and undiscovered.

5: At this point there are so many every day. Every morning, when he wakes up with a smile and caresses my cheek or out of nowhere when he says mama and then looks at you, his expression is so full of love.

6: Something expensive... just kidding! A hug... a tight big loving hug and I think I am talking for all moms everywhere.

7: My child is too young to give him a message, but ideally I would want him to acknowledge the day and make some extra efforts for me.

Cheena Chhapra designerThe angel in my life

1: It’s so amazing that they have grown to be 24, 20 and 12 but I still give the same time I used to give them before. I am an early riser so I prefer to have my breakfast with my son. I cook for them as my two grown up girls are off to work so I have to send lunch to the office. It’s such an amazing thing that Allah has made me a mother to serve my kids.

2: Definitely. Your child is a little plant and it’s one’s duty to water it, feed it and take care of it.

3: It’s very simple. When I’m working, I devote myself to it and once I am home, I devote myself to my kids.

4: It’s always been our Beach Hut at the French Beach since they were babies! We’ve been going to the beach and it’s amazing. Some Sundays it’s ‘aloo puri’ breakfast while sometimes it’s Chatterbox mornings for us. Above all we love spending time on my rooftop garden with our cats, designer chicken, birds and tortoise.

5: For me every day is a cherished day.

6: For them every day is Mother’s Day. They completely spoil me. As my kids say we are not goras, that we have to show our love to our parents on one particular day. For us, every day is parents’ day as they are the only biggest blessing in our lives.

7: Ayesha, Marium and Habib I cannot thank you enough for all the unconditional love you have given me. You gave me the best title ‘Ammi’. And I feel so proud to have you three crazy bachas in my life.

Kausar Z Ahmed chefThe angel in my life

1: As I’m a working mother, my time is divided between kids and work, priority being - giving the children the time they need.

2:  A mother plays a major role in the upbringing of children, especially in our society where it is majorly considered a mom’s job even if she is a working woman. A mother sets the tone of the child’s physical, mental and emotional development from birth.

3: I make a conscious effort to take out some personal time for the gym and to spend with friends and children. My favourite time is at night when I’m done for the day and can listen to some music or watch a show.

4: My favourite activities with them are exploring new cuisines, cooking together, visiting cafes, talking endlessly and just sitting around together watching a movie and eating ice cream.

5: Here again there are so many mother/child moments but I would say my favourite is always bonding with them and sitting and chatting with them. We often open our hearts out together!

6: My choicest gift this Mother’s day would be to have all three here to hug me.

7: Be who you are, follow your dreams, love, laugh, be kind and giving, and most importantly believe in yourself.