A healthy body leads to a healthy mind. At young age, we need highly nutritious food to maintain energy levels required to perform well academically and then to pursue a career suitable for us.
For a healthy life
A healthy body leads to a healthy mind. At young age, we need highly nutritious food to maintain energy levels required to perform well academically and then to pursue a career suitable for us. What we tend to neglect or overlook is the need to eat healthy, and to avoid junk food. Previously, it used to be people around 45 years of age who were known to have type 2 Diabetes, but now increasingly more and more young people in their teens and 20s are succumbing to type 1 and type 2 diabetes. Risk factors for the development of type 2 diabetes and prediabetes are not confined to unhealthy eating habits alone. Sitting in front of computer or watching movies for hours can lead to obesity and ultimately catch you in the web of several diseases. Daily physical activities of 60 minutes not only foster academic performance but also help building strong bones and muscles.
Poor eating habits and lack of physical activity cause obesity, which leads to a number of illnesses. These illnesses can easily be avoided if we eat nutritious food and exercise regularly.
Don’t be doped by fast food
Fast foods like pizza, burgers, potato chips and other deep fried stuff, ice-cream, candy and milk chocolates spike our appetite because sugar, salt and fat contents of these junk foods trigger the production of a brain chemical, dopamine. This brain chemical works to increase craving for eating more. Over production of dopamine is destructive for our health and leads to diabetes and other serious health issues.
Students, here is some food for thought
Academic performance is directly linked with our lifestyle. If you are among those students who keep chocolates and mouth freshener in their bags, you are likely to feel hungry within an hour, which could affect your overall performance. To control chocolate consumption, start eating dark chocolate of good quality. It has a stronger taste than milk chocolate, so you will not need to eat as much to satisfy your craving. Another tip for healthy chocolate bite is to eat slowly, let the chocolate melt in your mouth to give yourself time to enjoy the taste and texture.
Balanced diet has a significant effect on your academic performance. Irregular eating habits, high sugary foods, fatty foods damage brain activity level and decrease learning and concentration. Over consumption of fast foods can also lead to constipation, abdominal pain and discomfort.
Keep yourself hydrated
Human body is made up of nearly two-thirds of water, so it makes sense to drink enough every day to stay hydrated and healthy. Water, tea, coffee, milk, fruit juices and smoothies are healthy and refreshing drinks. However, it matters what and how much we drink. Fruit juices, sugary drinks, frothy coffee, tea with sugar have more destructive effects than you can imagine. If you have a craving for energy drinks, you need to realize that energy drinks are high in sugar and calories.
Having sugary drinks or fruit juice with dinner even twice a week can affect your sleep and wake-up cycle. The caffeine content in tea, coffee and energy drinks act as a stimulant, keeping you awake longer, harms your teeth, and negatively affects your metabolism. Overdo it on caffeine, and it can make you jittery and uncomfortable.
Water is the best all-round drink; you can add lemon, cucumber and mint leaves for a refreshing taste. Herbal teas are caffeine-free and activate mind and body performance. Check the label on drinks cartons and choose the one that is lowest in sugar.
Make it a habit of drinking a glass of skim med milk daily. It is one of the best drinks to have after sports. According to doctors and our own elders, to keep your perfect posture and avoid the senior slump, a milk mustache is the must-have accessory for every season.
Breakfast and brain power
Studies have found that eating breakfast may improve short-term memory and attention. Students who eat it tend to perform better than those who don’t. First year students tend to undergo anxiety and emotional distress. Interestingly, most students respond to education-related stress by eating more, instead of exercising away their devils. Therefore, weight gain during the first year of college/university is a common phenomenon.
Lack of time management make it difficult for most students to balance curricular and co-curricular activities. Some students are so involved in studies that it becomes next to impossible for them to fit exercise into a busy schedule of classes and studying.
To compound their problem, college canteens offer unlimited food choices that are not always eaten in healthy amounts or combinations. Long academic hours, irregular meals and that too largely junk foods and lack of exercise due to shortage of time affect students adversely and they develop negative level of concentration and behaviour. Students who exercise vigorously on a daily basis have higher grade-point averages than students who do not.
Healthy lifestyle
One thing that cannot be overstated is to have a healthy lifestyle. You need high-quality food to compete with the changing world. Milk and milk products like yogurt, cheese and other dairy foods are loaded with calcium which is good for your bones. Whole grains, like popcorn and whole wheat also contribute dietary fiber and vitamin E. Vegetables, accompanied by fruits, whole grains like oatmeal or wheat bread, hard-boiled eggs or white-meat chicken breast at each meal will keep you healthy and energized. Curries, veggie, or omelets can all be healthy options too.
Oh, if it is difficult for you to keep away from ice cream and pizzas every day then allow yourself the indulgence of a small portion or serving of these tempting delights once in a while.
Look after your body and mind for a successful life!