
Let’s kick start the New Year

By I.S
Tue, 01, 17

New Year is here, which means a new set of resolutions to make sure you have the best year ever. But this is not as easy as it sounds. That is because you need some motivation to get through the year and stay energised as well.

New Year is here, which means a new set of resolutions to make sure you have the best year ever. But this is not as easy as it sounds. That is because you need some motivation to get through the year and stay energised as well. Confused on how to kick off 2017? Well, fret not as You! shares some super cool ideas and efficient ways to begin your New Year. Read on to find out on what should be on your ‘to-do-list’ this year.

Let’s kick start the New Year

Love yourself

Take a leap of faith and start loving yourself! The New Year is a time to cut off all past days of self-criticism and self-rejection in order to proclaim a liberated and peaceful life ahead. When you are happy with yourself, it becomes quite easy to face life’s challenges. Also, appreciating yourself is very important as it often leads you towards rebuilding your trust upon you and taking new directions with a definite approach.

It’s time for some change

Revamp your surroundings by aligning with the energy of change this year. Change your wardrobe and even your look! If you loved wearing dull colours, try to add some vibrant schemes to your clothes. You can even go to your favourite salon and get a crazy haircut that you haven’t tried before. Try to experience the state of major shift as it will surely lift your mood and energy to kick-start your New Year.

Start your own blog 

You might have felt terrified by the thought of starting a blog. But as a matter of fact, it is one convenient way to express yourself through your writing, or write your views on any topic you strongly feel about. However, if you do not know how to go about it, there are many tutorials which you can take your reference from. Once you become active as a blogger, you start registering yourself among people and who knows maybe one day you will become successful too.

Be a leader for a change

Step up and be a leader! Go beyond your comfort zone and be a leader to bring change in your life. It is high time to put back your fears and come in the forefront. Maybe, a dream job that you were wishing for is just round the corner waiting for you! Strive to bring about a change and surely you will succeed.

Follow a healthy lifestyle

Just the way you incorporate healthy diet and regular exercise in your routine, add some sleep too because if you cut back on snooze, you will definitely acquire an unhealthy lifestyle. According to several studies, people who sleep less gain weight more often. Lack of sleep also leads them towards coronary heart diseases and diabetes. So don’t ever ignore your eight hours of sleep in order to stay fit and perform well. Also try to have healthy meals with a regular addition of protein and vitamins.


It is possible that you might be holding it back but it is time that you take your relationship to another level. You can propose to the person you can’t imagine your life without. Make plans to have a new start with him or her.

Try to forgive

Don’t hold any grudges against people who hurt you in the past and start your year by forgiving them. By doing that, you will be able to release your toxic energies produced by hatred. It will heal you by allowing an experience of a new beginning in life.

Follow the ‘Feng Shui’ rule

Feng Shui is a Chinese system of laws that tells you how to govern spatial arrangement and orientation in relation to the flow of energy (chi), and whose favourable or unfavourable effects are taken into account when designing buildings.

Feng Shui will tell you how you can improve your success, health and wealth. Sometimes these things can be fixed by just shifting the position of your furniture or putting a good luck charm in your room.

Maintain strong social ties

It has been found out that the more you remain close to your peers, the more you remain away from depression. Being alone triggers anxiety and negativity inside, which should be avoided before having a fresh start. Make new friends and spend time with your family, hopefully it will help you in combating against all odds that you had experienced last year. Take a course or volunteer to meet new people and increase your social circle.