
An action-packed thriller

By You Desk
Tue, 08, 24

In this context, the premiere of the movie ‘Leech’ in Karachi drew significant attention, gathering a mix of actors, directors, and media figures....

An action-packed thriller

chatter matter

Pakistani cinema has been steadily evolving, with filmmakers increasingly experimenting with diverse narratives and unique storytelling approaches. This growth reflects a broader shift within the industry, as it seeks to redefine its identity and engage audiences in new ways. In this context, the premiere of the movie ‘Leech’ in Karachi drew significant attention, gathering a mix of actors, directors, and media figures.

An action-packed thriller

The film explores the eerie depths of human nature and is written by Tanveer Ahmad and directed by M Shahzad Malik. The movie explores a wide range of topics, including power, greed, and the never-ending battle against the rules of nature.

The protagonist of the story is an inspector named Israr, played by Naveed Raza, who is driven to unearth the dark secrets concealed in the shadows, and a formidable foe named Baloot, played by Mahsam Raza.

However, the premiere itself was marked by a mix of anticipation and cautious optimism. Conversations among attendees touched on how the film might be received by audiences and whether it would resonate beyond the immediate buzz of its release.

An action-packed thriller

The cast and crew were naturally the focal point of the night. Naveed Raza, one of the film’s leads, was praised for his performance, with many eager to see how his role fits into the film’s larger narrative. Co-stars Mahsam Raza and Asfandyar also garnered attention, with discussions centred on their on-screen dynamics and how they contribute to the film’s storytelling.

The event brought together an array of industry professionals. Filmmakers like Wajahat Rauf, Siraj ul Haq, Danish Nawaz, and Yasir Nawaz were seen discussing the film and its place within the broader spectrum of Pakistani cinema. Their presence highlighted the collective curiosity about how the film might contribute to the ongoing conversation about the direction of local film. Saleem Mairaj, Madiha Naqvi and Faisal Sabzwari was also in attendance.

This crime thriller is aimed at redefining the genre in Pakistani film by fusing psychological intrigue, action, and mystery into an engaging story.

- You! desk