

By Ayesha Anjum
Tue, 07, 24

This Friendship Day, take the time to express your heartfelt appreciation for the special bonds you have in life…


world friendship day

When I think about love, I think about my friends. By definition, a friend is someone you share a bond with outside of family or romantic relationships. Yet, my friends have proven to be more than family and something greater than any romantic love. They have cared for me, consoled me, mothered me, laughed with me and cried with me. Friends possess the incredible power to transform you and your life. A good group of friends or even a singular friend can alter the trajectory of your existence. Friends make you ambitious or the opposite, they can make you kind or cruel. Empathetic or apathetic. They shape us in unimaginable ways, and always more than what we anticipate. It comes as no surprise then that there is a day dedicated for these companions of ours. World Friendship Day, also known as International Day of Friendship takes place on 30th July.

This extraordinary bond, forged in the fires of shared experiences, mutual understanding, and a deep-seated connection transcends the superficial layers of daily interactions. It is one that has least amount of conditionality attached to it. In the presence of true friends, you find solace and strength, knowing that no matter the circumstances, there is a safety net ready to catch you, to support you, to accept you.

My friends have celebrated me, my victories, my celebrations more than me, they have cried more for me, they have stood up for me when I failed to do so and believed in me. Even when my faith in myself wavered, theirs never did.

The influence of friends on our lives is profound and key; it truly develops us into the human beings that we become. They inspire us to reach heights we never thought possible, pushing us to chase our dreams with unrelenting fervour. They become our cheerleaders, celebrating our victories, no matter how small, and motivating us through our failures. Their belief in us often surpasses our own, instilling a sense of confidence that fuels our ambitions.

The impact of friendships can also be sobering, reflecting our flaws, challenging our shortcomings, proving us to correct ourselves, holding us accountable, urging us to grow and evolve into better versions of ourselves. In their honest critique, we find amendment, we find improvement.

I will never forget the time when I had lost a loved one of mine, my friend had shown up and just hugged me, at the time, that hug felt like sunshine. It felt like hope and peace and ease, it felt like everything could be okay, because I have her. She sat with me, our knees touching, just hushing me, just understanding, just being there for me. What more could I have asked for?

I will never forget my mother’s friends during the same time, who brought us food and fruits and milk. They quietly slipped into our house, set the table with food and their own cutlery so we wouldn’t have to even wash the dishes, coaxed my mother into eating a bite, then another, then another, till her stomach was full. How they stayed till nightfall, caressed her hair until she fell asleep.

Friends are the architects of our emotional state, carving out spaces of comfort, joy, and growth. They are the unsung heroes of our stories, playing a central role in our journey through this life. They are life-changing and make us live life to the fullest. This friendship day I want to thank my friends who were there for me, when I needed it the most, loved me when I left unlovable and believed in me when I lost faith myself.