

By Wallia Khairi
Tue, 07, 24

Let’s see what are the likes and dislikes of talented artist, Risham Faiz Bhutta, who is also Spotify’s singer of the month. Read on…


you & me

Popularly known as RFB, Risham Faiz Bhutta has gone from a fresh debut to a well-known name in just 5 years, thanks to her unique voice and compelling performances. Starting with her debut release ‘Kunwaray’ in 2019, which later became the OST for the hit web series ‘Churails,’ this singer has captivated audiences with her high-energy Punjabi vocals and dynamic range. Known for her unforgettable performances, she continues to break barriers and set new standards in the industry.

Beyond her music, she is also an accomplished tattoo artist, adding another layer to her creative repertoire. Recently honoured as Spotify’s EQUAL Pakistan Ambassador of the Month, she uses her platform to uplift and empower fellow women artists. Let’s get to know the likes and dislikes of this quirky artist…

What inspired you to pursue music?

My attachment to music and my journey itself. I’ve been singing and performing in schools and colleges since childhood. One day I realised nothing else satisfies me like music does.

What is your specialised field of singing?

I specialise in Punjabi vocals, especially on the higher scales. But I also enjoy singing in lower scales. Versatility is key in music, and I love exploring different ranges and styles.

What is your most memorable concert to date?

Hands down, my concert at Kinnaird College in Lahore. Performing in front of over 6,000 people was an electrifying experience.

Please share your thoughts about EQUAL Pakistan.

It’s a great opportunity to bring women forward, especially in countries where men are favoured more.

How does it feel to be the Ambassador of the Month for EQUAL Pakistan?

Honestly, it feels incredible. When I saw my peers becoming ambassadors, I kept wondering, “Why hasn’t Spotify noticed me yet? Am I doing something wrong?” But here I am, finally! It’s such a humbling experience, and I’m grateful for the platform to inspire other women.


How important do you think such initiatives are for women artists in our country?

These initiatives are absolutely crucial. They give women the push and platform they need to shine. When women are promoted and their talents are recognised, it creates a ripple effect, changing audience perceptions and opening doors for more female artists.

Have you released any music albums so far?

Yes, it’s called ‘Part One’.

What are the top 3 songs in your playlist?

Right now, I’m obsessed with ‘Jind Kadh Keh’ from the film Chamkila, ‘Water’ by Tyla, and ‘Chhiro’ by Billie Eilish.

Who is your favourite international music celebrity?

This keeps changing, honestly. But Billie Eilish and Diljit Dosanjh are at the top of my list right now.

What role did music play in your early years?

Music was my lifeline. I was always the kid singing at every competition, choir, festival, and performance. You’d always find me front and centre on the stage. Music has been my support system, my air. It’s the only thing that reminds me of life’s beauty and has kept me going through tough times.

Who was your favourite rock/jazz/pop star when you were growing up or in your teens?

Pink Floyd! I’m a die-hard fan. Their music is timeless and has a depth that’s hard to match. They were a huge part of my growing years.

What was the first instrument you learned to play?

Guitar. It was love at first strum.

What is your most irritating habit?

I tend to forget what I was saying mid-conversation (laughs).

What kind of people do you dislike?

Uptight and rigid people. Life is too short to be so serious all the time.

What are you afraid of?

My dog getting sick.

What is your most valuable possession?

My husband’s love. It might sound cheesy, but it’s true. Is it a possession? Not really, but you know what I mean.

What is your all-time favourite movie?

‘Devdas’. It’s a classic, and I can watch it over and over again.

Are you a shopaholic?

200 per cent! Shopping is my therapy.


What bores you the most?

Boring people. I need excitement and energy around me. Life is too short for dull conversations and monotonous routines.

What are you crazy about?


How do you like to spend your Sundays?

Sleeping. Sundays are my recharge days. I love lounging around, catching up on sleep, and just relaxing.

What is your favourite tune nowadays?

‘Hotline’ by Billie Eilish.

If you could have a musician tag along with you on tour for a month, whom would you choose?

Faris Shafi. He’s such a talented artist, and I think we’d have a blast together on tour.

What is your favourite hangout?

Eating out or playing games during game night.

If you had access to a time machine, which era would you revisit?

The ’60s and ’70s when Pink Floyd and Queen were at their peak.

Who do you see as your main competitor?

No one. Art is not a competition. Each artist brings something unique to the table.

Do you agree that it is important to learn and understand old music and its history?

Not really. While it can be enriching to learn about old music and its history, it shouldn’t define or judge your capability of making music. Creativity should be free and not bound by rules or history.

What song always gets you on the dance floor?

‘Lose Yourself to Dance’ by Daft Punk. It’s impossible to stay still when that song comes on.

What’s the last thing you bought?

Tattoo equipment.

What books are on your bedside table?

‘Midnight’s Children’ by Salman Rushdie.

What’s the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning?

Drink water.

When you are not working, what are you usually doing?

Making tattoos because I am a tattoo artist.

What is the most important relationship lesson you have learned so far?

Never compare your relationship with others.

What is the biggest misconception about you?

That I have an attitude and I’m rude. I’m actually a jelly bean. Try me.

Where do you see yourself in the next five years?

Somewhere in the world making art and music, eating good food, free of the pressures that the industry here gives you.

What is something very few people know about you?

I made the largest painting of Pakistan in 2017.

What are you currently working on?

I’m super excited about a couple of singles and an album that I’m working on. Fingers crossed everything turns out great!

What is your ultimate desire?

To flow freely.