
Creamy Chicken and Mushroom Soup

By You Desk
Tue, 11, 22

A perfect, creamy chicken and mushroom soup to warm up your day...

Creamy Chicken and Mushroom Soup



Boneless chicken (preferably thigh pieces) 350g

Mushrooms 200g

Chicken stock (room temperature) 1 ½ litre

Cream (room temperature) ½ cup

Butter 1-2 tbsp

Olive oil 1-2 tbsp

Onion (chopped) 1 medium

Garlic (chopped) 1 tbsp

Carrots (sliced) 1 medium

Celery (sliced) ½ cup

Black pepper (crushed) 1 tsp

Salt 1 tsp or to taste

Dried thyme ½ tsp

Dried oregano ½ tsp

Soy sauce 1 tbsp

Corn flour 4-5 tbsp

Water ½ cup or as required

Fresh parsley (chopped) 2 tbsp


* Cut chicken into small cubes and set aside.

* Cut mushrooms into thin slices and set aside.

* In a jug, add chicken stock, cream, whisk well and set aside.

* In a pot, add butter, olive oil and let it melt.

* Add onion, garlic and sauté for a minute.

* Add chicken, mix well until it changes colour and cook for 4-5 minutes.

* Add mushrooms, mix well and cook for 2-3 minutes.

* Add carrots, celery, mix well and cook for a minute.

* Add black pepper, salt, dried thyme, dried oregano, soy sauce and mix well.

* Add cream and stock mixture and mix well. Bring it to boil and cook on medium flame for 2-3 minutes.

* In corn flour, add water and whisk well.

* Now add dissolved corn flour, mix well and cook until desired thickness.

* Add fresh parsley and mix well.

* Garnish with fresh parsley and serve hot!

Courtesy: Food Fusion Recipe by Seema Hanif