Which novel by Thomas Hardy begins with the hero selling his wife and daughter to a sailor who is on his way to Canada?
1. What was the first science-fiction novel?
A. Stand on Zanzibar
B. Frankenstein
C. Don Quixote
D. Dracula
2. What was the first book in the Harry Potter series?
A. Harry Potter and the Giant Snake
B. Harry Potter and the Pot of Gold
C. Harry Potter and the Hendersons
D. Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone
3. On what novel is the film Slumdog Millionaire based?
A. Kim
B. Q & A
C. The Great Gatsby
D. Gunga Din
4. Which novel by Thomas Hardy begins with the hero selling his wife and daughter to a sailor who is on his way to Canada?
A. The Trumpet Major
B. The Mayor of Casterbridge
C. The Return of the Native
D. Under the Greenwood Tree
5. Which famous author wrote Macbeth?
A. Maya Angelou
B. Edgar Allan Poe
C. Sophocles
D. None of the above
6. Who wrote the novel Mrs. Dalloway?
A. Emily Dickinson
B. Virginia Woolf
C. Charlotte Perkins Gilman
D. Charlotte Bronte
7. Where was Victor Hugo buried?
A. He was buried in the Louvre.
B. He was buried under the Eiffel Tower.
C. He was buried in the royal tomb.
D. He was buried in the Pantheon.