In the game of squash, it is time for the new talent to carry the Khan’s legacy forward. So recently, one of the youngest squash players, Huzaifa Shahid, made us proud by winning U-15 Quaid-e-Azam Squash Championship ’21. Huzaifa had also participated in national events, like Independence Day Squash Championship and Candy Land Junior Open Squash Championship and international tournaments, like Korean JOSC.
Let’s have a conversation with Huzaifa and learn about his squash journey…
What is your style of playing and who inspires you?
I have developed a style of my own, but Egyptian player Ali Farag really inspires me. The way he puts spin onto the ball and makes it stay a long way up the court is what I want to achieve.
Do you get proper coaching?
Yes, I do. My father, Shahid Hussain Khan, is a certified professional squash coach, and works dedicatedly to teach me.
Your father is a renowned squash coach, so were you pressurised to follow his lead?
I won't deny that squash is in my genes, but my love for the game became stronger as I grew up watching my father play. And when I held the racket and strolled inside the court, I knew squash was my thing.
Who are your favourite squash players in juniors and seniors?
In juniors, my favourite player is Huzaifa Ibrahim, and in seniors, Jahangir Khan and Jansher Khan have always been my idols.
Where do you enjoy playing the most?
Playing at different courts helps you improve your game, but I really enjoy when I get to play at the National Coaching Centre.
How do your classmates react to victories?
I have friends who are supportive and caring. Whenever I'm at some match, they take notes for me and help me cover up what I have missed.
What was the most difficult match you have played lately?
It was against a Malaysian player, Hakil Hazem at Singapore Junior Open.
Do you take any special diet to stay fit for the sport?
My diet is more protein based. It helps in regenerating the damaged muscle fiber and recovering from strenuous exercise.
How do you maintain a balance between your studies and sports?
After attending school in the morning, I go for my regular training in the afternoon.
Do you get enough matches to play to keep you in motion?
There were not many tournaments during the pandemic. Now things are getting back to normal and I'm hopeful that a number of opportunities will come my way.
Do you get PSF’s and government’s support to play matches internationally?
Pakistan Squash Federation (PSF) should come forward to support young players financially. The expenses related to sports equipment, fitness gear and traveling expenses are too much for an individual to cover.
Where do you see yourself in the future?
I aim to become the British and World Junior Champion.