They should be punished severely so that such incidents may be avoided in future...
What happened at Minar-e-Pakistan on 14 August, 2021 is thoroughly condemnable – no second opinion about it. The perpetrators in Ayesha Akram case must be brought to justice; in fact, they should be punished severely so that such incidents may be avoided in future.
Whenever such incidents occur, the first step to get it noticed is through social media trends. It is then followed by electronic and print media hype and after few days or weeks some of the government officers are suspended. Sooner or later, everyone (except the victims) move on and, unfortunately, remain silent till another similar ‘story’ appears. If I am not wrong, none of the culprits of such incidents - including the Motorway, Kasoor, Islamabad, etc. has been made an example of. Had there been quick implementation of the law in the past, these incidents might have been prevented.
The frequency of these incidents is alarming. But I am more disappointed with the way we keep criticising our society. I could not help pen down my feelings when I came across a placard stating, “Pakistan is no place for women.” Seriously? Majority of us have been overwhelmed with emotions whenever such incidents are reported in the media. Instead of talking about factors that ignite such unfortunate happenings and discussing about ways to eradicate them, we start gender-biased blame game.
A group of people is of the view that men ought to put a bridle on themselves, but the other group claims women should remain within ‘limits’ and the blame game continues. We ought to realise that be it men or women, no one is and should be above the law. Both men and women ought to abide by rules and regulations set by religion and society.
Instead of arguing who is right or wrong in the Minar-e-Pakistan incident, let us just ask ourselves if being men, Muslims and members of a civilised society, are we supposed to behave with a woman the way, reportedly, four hundred men did at Minar-e-Pakistan? At the same time, how many of us would allow or support our sisters and brothers involved in activities of obscenity in which majority of Tiktok stars are engaged today? Regardless of any community, how many of us would allow or support our sisters going in a mob or in case he/she is an actor/actress without any security? Majority of us simply won’t. This is quite simple and logical. Unfortunately, the situation is that our young people want to earn money and fame overnight at any cost. This, along with many other connected factors, encourages them to cross their limits, and results in societal deterioration.
Also, those who bluntly declare the Land of the Pure an unsafe state where no one should live and suggest that living abroad is secure as people out there abide by social and ethical bindings do not analyse what made them ethical or law abiding. It is nothing more than the strict implementation of law, something which is seriously missing here. The ones who break signals and violate many other rules in Pakistan, follow and abide by each and every set of rules abroad. Why? Simply because of the fear of being penalised. No nation in the world was civilised at first. It is strict control and implementation of the law that makes people adhere to rules.
My point is how long will we continue to complain about each other and our society? It is we who collectively form a society. It may take generations to bring the change we hope for, but from today at least let us try to control and nurture our thoughts. We must not spread despair in society. Instead, we must keep talking and discussing the change we wish for, keeping in mind the boundaries and limits which we all must follow. A mentally strengthened, well-mannered nation will enforce its leaders to ensure justice in due course of time. One fine morning will herald the change, for sure.