Generally, we tend to leave the extra bit of food for the animals and birds instead of wasting or throwing it away...
As Muslims, we all look forward to Ramazan as a month of true reformation, which comes to heal us and to protect us. It seems like the perfect opportunity to slow down as far as the worldly affairs are concerned and to carry out ibadat however we can in order to nourish our souls. Being particular of our farz prayers, offering taraweeh, reciting the Quran, paying zakat (whether in form of cash or helping others with ration bags) – well, we try to be our best selves.
Focusing on the bigger things, the sad part is we often forget the voiceless, helpless creatures around us who need our support the most. It’s ironic to think of stray animals being dependent on the very society that’s bent on getting rid of them in the most inhumane ways possible. But, it’s a reality we cannot ignore when we see and hear of incidents when their trust in humans is broken and they’re left traumatised or worse dead.
Between Covid and the heatwave, the least one can do is be kind. You don’t have to go out of the way to please God with this one. If you come across an animal (it’s usually cats and dogs, but you get it don’t you that the point is for every living thing?), don’t start teasing it. Don’t pelt it with stones or hurt it with sticks or any such material. Don’t ridicule it. Don’t abuse it. Walk past it if you like. But if you see it hurting, it wouldn’t be too much of a hassle now to call an animal rescue team to help it, especially if you yourself are afraid of being in close vicinity as the animal.
In addition to not running them over your vehicle, it would be nice if you make sure to look underneath and inside the hood every time you start your car for any creature that may have taken shelter there due to heat. While we’re talking about keeping an eye out for them, let’s remind ourselves to be careful in disposing off our trash. This is to ensure the strays don’t consume any poisonous or hazardous object (e.g. plastic, glass) as they search for food. Alternatively, you can be considerate of the strays in your community and place water pots outside, too.
Generally, we tend to leave the extra bit of food for the animals and birds instead of wasting or throwing it away. This might be an effort on your part to be generous but as Mustafa Ahmed of Save Our Strays explained to Us, associating directly with the strays is not the best ways to care about them. If everyone starts to feed strays, then the animal(s) would naturally become friendly with humans. When they would get close to humans, the anti-animal group would attack them or would get them relocated.
Whether it’s to feed them or to trap-neuter-return and vaccinate them, there need to be more rescuers on-ground. So, if you can donate zakat or sponsor an animal, this month is absolutely the right time to do. Look up shelter and rescue services operating in your cities, who are taking a stand for the neglected ones in the society and need your support to remain true to their mission.