These are just gentle reminders to just switch off and completely unwind....
The past couple of years have stressed on accepting yourself as you are. But the past couple of months have shown us how messed up our lifestyles really are. And if you, like me, are feeling the brunt of poor health, now is the time to step up your game and improve the way you feel – and, thereby, look. These are just gentle reminders to just switch off and completely unwind.
Achieve a radiant complexion
1. Start your day with a cup of boiling water mixed with freshly squeezed lemon juice. This detox drink cleanse your palate and flushes out any impurities that may have built up in your system overnight. Lemon also acts a gentle cleanser for the liver.
2. Improve skin condition from within by taking a Cod Liver Oil tablet once a day. Cod Liver Oil is a rich source of Vitamins A and D and essential fatty acids. It is also reputed to help disorders such as eczema and psoriasis.
3. Treat puffy eyes by placing two stainless steel spoons in the freezer for a couple of minutes and then placing them over your eyes. Alternatively, brew a pot of tea, leave it to cool, and then use it as a soothing eye bath.
4. Air-conditioning robs the skin of essential moisture and can aggravate dryness. If you work in an air-conditioned office, invest in a humidifier. Or you can place a bowl of water next to your desk, which will boost the moisture content of the air.
5. Exercise benefits skin as it boosts circulation and encourages blood flow. Exercise regularly. Aim to incorporate at least 30 minutes of aerobic activity into your routine three times each week and also do muscle toning work such as yoga. This combination improves your overall health.
6. Keep smiling. On average, children smile 400 times a day while adults only manage 15. Smiling tightens the supporting connective tissue around your mouth which helps to maintain the shape of your face. It also sends feel-good signals to your brain.
7. Keep your natural body rhythms consistent. Aim to go to bed and wake at the same time each day whenever possible. Get sufficient sleep as the skin’s cellular repair activity is at its optimum during the resting phase.
Maintain your overall body condition
The experts recommend exposing yourself to at least two hours of natural light a day to maintain optimum health. Incorporate this factor into your exercise regime.
Cope with toxic living
Compiled by SZ