Faiz Ahmed Faiz is considered among the most popular modern poets of Urdu....
On Their Own Terms: Early Twenty First Century Women’s Movements in Pakistan
By Fouzia Saeed
On Their Own Terms is an engaging introduction to the inner dynamics of women’s social movements in Pakistan. Pakistani women are often viewed as merely passive victims of heinous crimes.
In this book, Dr Saeed shows how they can collectively assert their will to bring change in their own lives, and in the lives of others.
Subjective Atlas of Pakistan
By Taqi Shaheen and Annelys De Vet
What and who do we talk about when we speak of ‘Pakistan’ and the ‘Pakistani’? This question was posed to more than eighty artists, designers, and other creative souls across Pakistan.
They responded with maps, inventories, photographs, and drawings that explored the multifaceted microcosm of their real and imagined lives. These investigations will take you through the labyrinths of cityscapes, hidden lairs beneath layers of domes, nationalist rants, fictional propaganda, and corporate deceptions.
Transgressions: Poems Inspired by Faiz Ahmed Faiz
By Anjum Altaf
Faiz Ahmed Faiz is considered among the most popular modern poets of Urdu. The poems in this collection are inspired by his poetry.
Each poem corresponds to one by Faiz but is not a translation of it; rather, it reflects the author’s thoughts on the theme of the poem.
Beyond That Last Blue Mountain: My Silk Road Journey
By Harriet Sandys
It is about young woman from a sheltered and privileged background travelling and working alone, in and around war zones, frequently with no financial or practical support, at a time of increasing Islamic fundamentalism.
Siren Song: Understanding Pakistan Through Its Women Singers
By Fawzia Afzal-Khan
Fawzia Afzal-Khan’s book is an important and timely feminist intervention in the study of classical music and a cogent challenge to the prevailing antisecular orthodoxy in the academy.
In this complex and sensitive study of the careers of artistes like Malka Pukhraj, Roshanara Begum, Reshma, and of the newer music and musical space offered by Coke Studio, Afzal-Khan shows us the multiple ways in which women performers negotiated and continue to negotiate their way through the numerous challenges thrown their way in the wake of the partitioning of the subcontinent and the multiple demands placed on them.
By Irshad Abdulkadir
What does it take to find God in all cultures and religions?
In these fratricidal times, the devout yet reasoning soul of Akbar Ali Samandar explores the irrationality of extremist tendencies in Pakistan, the problems of Western impositions on tolerant and liberal Islam as well as the ways in which these misunderstandings can be transcended for a better understanding of humanity.
Compiled by SZ