Pun fun
- My parents always brought me up to believe the sky’s the limit.
Which was a shame because I wanted to be an astronaut.
- The local band stand was struck by lightning yesterday while the band was playing.
Only the conductor was hit.
- Two blood cells met and fell in love.
Alas it was all in vein.
- The name’s Bond. Ionic Bond. Taken, not shared.
- I don’t think I need a spine.
It’s holding me back.
- Breeders of lab science animals are part of the rat race.
- Geology rocks!
- I’ve been trying to think of an electrical pun but now my head Hertz.
- If Iron Man and the Silver Surfer teamed up together, would they be alloys?
- The cost of the space program is astronomical.
- I like looking at a chart of all the chemical elements...
- What does a biologist wear when they’re going out?
Designer genes.
- What did one tectonic plate say to the other when they bumped into each other?
Sorry, that was my fault.
- Do scientists who study the sun have a flare for research?
- Did you hear about the neutron who was arrested?
He was released without charge.
The funny side
“I painted half of my face like a clown today and went for a drive. I’m not sure everyone saw the funny side.”
The speed of light
My brain travels at the speed of light...
One second it’s here and the next it’s 186,000 miles away.