Astronaut, inventor, archeologist, painter, ninja, pilot of the Millennium Falcon......
What did you want to be when you were a child?
Astronaut, inventor, archeologist, painter, ninja, pilot of the Millennium Falcon... I am sure I’m forgetting a few things.
Name a person (past or present) whom you admire or look up to?
I admire a lot of people. I look up to my parents the most.
What is the one thing you look for in your work space?
Personal attunement. Definitely need a lot of things for my work space.
What does success mean to you?
Following your heart and living life according to your own sense of integrity and joy. Being there for the people who matter to you. Hopefully adding something worthwhile to the world. All of that is success to me.
What is the biggest sacrifice you’ve made in your career?
I don’t know if I set out to make particular sacrifices, but sticking to your road while keeping an open mind brings about challenges of time, money and energy. Some things get a little left behind like travelling; I’d like to travel more.
Name a fear or professional challenge that keeps you up at night.
I sleep quite well, touch wood. I’m turning 40. My thick skin is finally working like it should. I’m positively driven by my challenges and they’re all very personal to me. Live well; try to do good work; simplify.
Where were you when you decided to become an actor?
I was in Dublin, Ireland, in 2003/4 near the start of the fourth year of my Bachelor’s degree in MIS (Management Information System). I met a friend in the evening to tell her about it.
Memorable audition?
The Reluctant Fundamentalist.
Had to record the audition myself with a friend’s help in a park in Islamabad. Everything was quite exciting and visceral.
What was the best piece of advice you were given when you were starting out? And by whom?
I was lucky enough to receive lots of really good advice from all kinds of people. I wouldn’t want to compare. I’ve always tried learning from everyone and everything.
In moment of self-doubt or adversity, how do you build yourself back up?
I’m always aware that life is very short. I’m grateful that when things feel like a struggle, they still make a lot of sense to me. I remember how much my parents have given to me and get on with it, really. The word ‘quit’ is not in my dictionary. If it’s easy, then you are not dreaming big enough.
Knowing what you know now, what would you have done differently when you were first starting out?
Work-wise, nothing different. I would just learn to feel less upset and worried by some of the things I was coming across, but that’s the journey. The past is the past. If you’re grateful for now, then you’re grateful for what’s brought you here, good and bad.
What’s the first thing you do every morning to start your day on the right foot?
Make my own breakfast and eat it while listening to some music.
If you were magically given three more hours per day, what would you do with them?
I’d explore some more parts of the city that I haven’t seen. Spend more time with the people close to me.
Have you ever been late for a shoot?
When I started, yes!
Any tips for aspiring actors?
Just be true to your work.
Date of birth and star
Cancer - June 30th 1978
Favourite hangout
A secret
Favourite food
Ramen, rice bowls, Thai food, sushi, nihari
Favourite sport
Used to be Formula 1, moto-racing, football and tennis. I’m shamefully out of touch now
Three things you like/dislike about yourself
I’m focused, brave and loyal; I can be impatient, and tend to procrastinate.
Your personal motto
Should I have one? Do your best
What does the world need more of? Less of?
More empathy and a more long-term collaborative world-view. Less of whatever separates us.
The best thing about being a teenager was
Believing you were invincible
The worst thing about being a teenager was
Finding out you weren’t
My favourite movie was
As a teenager, a tie between the Japanese animated features Akira and Ghost in the Shell. My insta handle is homage to Japanimation.
My favourite book was
The Dune series by Frank Herbert
My room was plastered by posters of
Xfiles , Aliens , sci-fi, comic and fantasy art
My most precious possession
My action figure and lego collections. I had a remote control red Porsche and I was crazy about it
Advice to younger self
I wouldn’t even try because I know he won’t listen.