I loved the issue of 24 January, especially the cover story ‘2025 - Here we go again’ by Sameen Amer...
Dear Ed,
I loved the issue of 24 January, especially the cover story ‘2025 - Here we go again’ by Sameen Amer. The story was written in a witty manner and the books to come out in 2025 were chosen well. I read about Asian Games and ICC Champions Trophy to be mostly held in Lahore and sighed. Sorry, sports buffs, because the traffic in Lahore is totally stuck during these tournaments and I am dreading it already. But I loved the movies selection that will come in 2025.
Abrar Ahsan, Lahore
Hello Editor,
I am a new reader of Us and I find it quite versatile. My favourite sections are ‘Poets’ Corner and ‘The Green Room’. However, I read articles with interest, too, and I liked ‘Do band-aids work?’ by Saba Farooq a lot. Also, I like the segment ‘Reflection’ but I have a suggestion: please shift it to page 2. It doesn’t gel with ‘Bits ‘N’ Pieces.
Naufil Umar, Karachi
Dear Editor,
I would like to remind you that Ramazan is just around the corner, and I hope liked always, you publish appropriate articles on how to reap the benefits of the holy month. In this week’s Us I enjoyed the quiz ‘To the moon and back!’ and also like ‘Do band-aids work?’ by Saba Farooq. But, for quite some time now, I haven’t read a good story in Us and I hope to do so soon.
Sana Khawja, Lahore
End animal cruelty
Dear Editor,
The administration in Rawalpindi has taken an initiative to cull stray dogs in the city after a surge in dog bite incidents was reported. According to news reports, in the past week alone, so many cases of dog bites have been recorded, with four to five cases reported daily in local hospitals.
To tackle this issue, Deputy Commissioner Hassan Waqar Cheema has ordered a city-wide dog culling operation, which has already resulted in the elimination of 52 stray and rabid dogs in the first 24 hours.
While this initiative aims to address the problem, it raises ethical concerns regarding animal rights. Instead of resorting to culling, I urge the government to ensure the availability of vaccines and antivenom injections for dog and snake bites in all public hospitals without delay, thereby addressing public safety without resorting to animal cruelty.
Bakhtiyar Phullan, Turbat
Lubna Khalid
Sameen Amer
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Word count for one page is 450-550; for two pages, 800-1000; for three pages, 1100-1300