Congratulations on two back-to-back excellent cover stories: ‘2024: the year of the javelin thrower...
Hey Ed,
Congratulations on two back-to-back excellent cover stories: ‘2024: the year of the javelin thrower!’ by Muhammad Nabeel in the issue of 20 December and ‘2024 – sequels and franchises steal the show’ by Fatima Zakir (27 December issue). Both writers are among the very best and most seasoned contributors to Us, and I love their write-ups. I was happy to note that Nabeel dedicated this year to Arshad Nadeem, who brought much-sought-after pride and happiness to our beleaguered country. The rest of the write-ups were good, and the poems in the ‘Poets’ Corner’ were excellent as usual. Keep up the good work!
Sarah Khan, Karachi
Dear Editor,
‘Get Super Healthy’ by Ayesha Pervez (20 December issue) was an informative read. In view of the fast-food culture that has taken the country by storm, such write-ups are needed frequently to emphasize the importance of healthy eating among the youth. Also, I loved the ‘Zara num ho tou ye matti …’ verse by Allama Iqbal used in the cover story ‘2024: the year of the javelin thrower!’ by Nabeel. It is amazing how, despite the lack of proper facilities and guidance, we manage to produce such athletes!
Arsalan Iqbal, Lahore
Deforestation – a threat to environment
Dear Editor,
I am writing to draw your attention to a critical issue threatening Pakistan’s environment: deforestation. Trees serve as the lungs of our planet, providing oxygen and purifying the air we breathe. Without them, life as we know it would be impossible. Unfortunately, despite their vital role, trees in Pakistan are being cut down at an alarming rate. Some individuals exploit trees for personal profit, while others destroy entire forests, leaving behind widespread devastation.
The consequences of deforestation are far-reaching and severe. It causes soil erosion, loss of biodiversity, and increased greenhouse gas emissions, contributing significantly to climate change. Furthermore, deforestation adversely impacts human health, leading to respiratory problems and other related issues.
I urge the government of Pakistan to take immediate and decisive action to combat deforestation. It is crucial to protect our forests, not only for our survival but also for future generations. I request the implementation of laws and regulations to prevent deforestation and the provision of alternative livelihoods for those who depend on trees for their income. I hope the government of Pakistan recognizes the gravity of this issue and takes prompt steps to address deforestation.
Homaitan Dilmurad, Kulanch
Lubna Khalid
Sameen Amer
Us Magazine, 5th Floor,
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Word count for one page is 550-650; for two pages, 1000-1100; for three pages, 1500-1800