I am 23 years old. I have been reading Us magazine since I was 14 and I am an ardent fan of your advice column. I belong to an affluent family from Lahore. My father has a big construction business with offices in different cities too.
Is she after my money?
Dear Guru,
I am 23 years old. I have been reading Us magazine since I was 14 and I am an ardent fan of your advice column. I belong to an affluent family from Lahore. My father has a big construction business with offices in different cities too. As soon as I graduated, he asked me to head his Karachi office. I moved to Karachi two years back where I lived in a luxury apartment alone. Guru, I have a personal secretary who is very beautiful. She and I are the same age. The moment I saw her, I fell in love with her. And now we are having an affair. Initially, she was bit reserved with me, but now she has become very frank. I take her out to fancy restaurants and hip parties and give her expensive gifts. I feel proud of having her at my side when my friends admire her beauty. They all feel jealous that I have such a pretty girlfriend. Lately, however, I have noticed that she is taking more interest in material things than me. Now, she openly asks me to give her ‘this’ and ‘that’. Last week, I took her out for shopping and she selected a gold necklace for her birthday. Guru, it’s not that I can’t afford it; the point is she is becoming greedy day by day. Only yesterday she demanded that I throw a lavish party at an expensive restaurant for her. Her birthday is coming next month. If my father comes to know about my ‘unnecessary’ expenditures, he would get mad at me. He is very strict. At the moment, I am not in a position to offend my father. I am so confused. Do you think she is after my money?
Richie Rich
Dear Richie Rich,
You are young and desirable and it’s little wonder she is so much interested in you, as you are a good ‘catch’ for her. You fell in love with her primarily for her looks, but she got attracted towards you mainly because of your money. She knew that you were a rich guy and she was aware of her beauty so she took advantage of your weakness. She is a smart girl who knows how to ‘cash’ her looks. However, you can’t blame her for behaving in such a manner since you, too, liked to roam around with a pretty girl. Who doesn’t? And then it also gave your ego a boost to see all your friends getting jealous - didn’t it? Anyhow, it is pretty much clear that the girl is ‘not’ genuinely interested in you. Had she been sincere with you, she would not have come up with her ‘list of demands’ every other day. Now, if you really want to know her true intentions, then you simply have to stop giving her any more money or gifts. In few months’ time, she will reveal her true self. If she keeps on loving you, it means you were wrong in judging her. However, if you notice any change in her behavior, then waste no time in parting ways. Good luck!
My parents don’t give me time
Salaam Guru,
I am a 13-year-old girl studying in one of the best schools in town. I live with my parents, my two older siblings and my grandmother. We live a comfortable life and there is no problem as such. I am a good student and my teachers are happy with my performance. My grandmother is very loving and I have good friends too. However, what I crave for most is my parents’ company. Both of them are doctors and, therefore, have very busy schedules. My father goes to his clinic even in evenings. We have very efficient servants to take care of the house, but, sometimes, when I come home from school I long for my mother’s presence, who has an afternoon shift at the hospital. I am so sad from inside. What should I do?
Sad Girl
Dear Sad Girl,
I can understand your feelings dear, but then you also need to realize that your parents are professional doctors and they have demanding jobs. They can’t give you as much time as others parents do even if they want because of their nature of work. You are lucky that you have a doting grandmother who is there for you. And then your parents take care of your every need. They make sure that you get best education and they have given you every facility. They are working hard in order to provide a better future to you and your siblings. And dear, nobody lives a perfect life in this world. You have to compromise somewhere. Be grateful to God that He has given you all these blessings. Don’t feel sad. Your parents love you. Try to spend quality time with them whenever they are around. Good luck!