You know how women are always the one blamed for going out and overspending hard-earned money on things they don’t need, wouldn’t wear, couldn’t gift, or even consider using more than once. Luckily, men are taking a jump on the bandwagon.
Game of deals
You know how women are always the one blamed for going out and overspending hard-earned money on things they don’t need, wouldn’t wear, couldn’t gift, or even consider using more than once. Luckily, men are taking a jump on the bandwagon. All of us need a break - or, at least, think we do - and thus, a little indulgence, a little pampering ought not to be much of an issue. The problem lies when as much as a whiff of these luxury items, our minds are quick to remind us of the ‘more important’ stuff we were supposed to be saving for. We feel guilty every time our wallets lose one of its crisp buddies.
There’s the curious case of hunger pangs; the darzi might not have stitched your suit in time; your event planning is still short of a photographer; and the gym membership is still pending. Your monthly budget doesn’t allow it, especially if you want to enjoy that adrenaline rush with friends and family. Deals offered for two (or more) people at the price of one would have been a far shot at one time; two start-ups - Bogo and Voucher365 - have been the talk of town recently for this very reason.
In a tête-à-tête with their owners, Us discusses the nitty-gritty of their success and the difficulties they overcame turning an alien concept - while ‘widely accepted and popular worldwide’ (The Entertainer) - to a mainstream one in Pakistan.
Q. What sort of benefits do you offer to consumers? How has the response been so far?
Bogo: First, you can save up to Rs. 400,000. Second, the vouchers are valid not just for a single month, but for the whole year. Third, we have ensured that our customers get the best service from our partners.
We’ve got an amazing response so far. For us, going forward will be one thing and one thing only: making sure every customer loves the product and experience.
Vouch365: They save - and save big! Buy-one-get-one deals are rarely offered by anyone; any good restaurant charges at least Rs. 800 for a main course, so paying Rs. 800 for two main courses is a great deal in itself. And, customers can view all their redemptions as well as the money they have saved over the course of year from their personal dashboard.
The response has been overwhelming, Alhamdulillah. It’s great to read good comments from our satisfied customers. When we stumble upon reviews by customers on our page or other Facebook groups like SWOT, it is the best feeling in the world.
Q. Your work is like a trendsetter, one that revolutionises how we consume different brands in Pakistan. How did you as a team scored in on this idea from any other pitches that you might have had at the time?
Bogo: I think I landed on the Bogo idea because of my love for Karachi. Personally, I love to try out new places, new experiences and the Bogo concept, I felt, gives an excellent incentive to consumers to take a risk, do something new, and well sometimes, it’s even an excuse to throw a party or share that experience with friends.
Once the idea was on the drawing board, we had rounds of debate within the team. We at Bogo are all design and customer-experience fanatics. So, it was quite a task to get everyone to agree. We have been careful to use mediums that can have a direct impact on sales (e.g. social media, OOH, on-ground presence at events, gifting of the book along with delicious cup cakes to key influencers). With respect to damage control, if an error does occur, we do everything possible to resolve it and ensure it doesn’t happen again.
Vouch365: Even though websites such as and had emerged with separate discount deals, a singular product which was an amalgamation of deals from diverse categories and that too straight off buy-one-get-one never existed in Pakistan. It seemed like an excellent business opportunity to tap into and offer a chance to explore their city; Vouch365 was all set to gain immensely from the first mover’s advantage.
Before launch, an extensive market research was conducted to decipher the behaviour of consumers towards discounts and buy-one-get-one deals. The research showed that Karachiites are quite savings-oriented; the idea of saving a particular amount gives them a sense of achievement. After the vouchers are designed, they are approved by the brand’s representative for both their content and design. Further, the staff of the brand is extensively trained on voucher redemption to ensure it is done in a swift manner.
Q. How do you go about building a strong customer base and upping your game against budding competitors? Any highs and lows, and advice you would like to share?
Bogo: Our number one focus is to make sure every single customer has an amazing experience - be it on the website, while ordering and, of course, while redeeming the vouchers, or after. We hope to establish Bogo as a long-term brand, a leading brand; we are offering people something new but, in essence, it’s all about valuing the customer and delivering consistent service. At our office, every day is a Monday as much as it’s a Sunday. We have to deal with the obstacles and celebrate the little wins.
I think the best advice would be to go read Kipling’s momentous poem “If”. It has all the advice a youth or, for that matter, a seasoned person needs. One last thought, don’t fake it; be real and be honest. Do your best and leave the rest to God.
Vouch365: When someone is buying your product, they are placing a special kind of trust in your company and your product. We just make sure we are available for our customers whenever they need us. Our helpline is active 24 hours; we have an active WhatsApp number; and SMS alerts are sent out to give them updates.
If you compare us to others, you will see a vast difference in the brands as well as the deals that we offer. There are more than 500 vouchers in total. So, there is a massive difference in the quantity that we offer to our respective customers. And we’re providing greater value for money since the complimentary item you get is of an equal value.
Being an entrepreneur is extremely tough from being on your toes all the time to answering calls at the oddest hours of the night and missing out on family time. There’s a lot that would be compromised and that’s why I think it’s not everyone’s cup of tea. Honestly, family’s support is everything to keep you moving forward. Once you have it for sure, the journey becomes beautiful; your hard work pays off, your efforts are recognised. Hearing people from other places like Lahore and Islamabad calling us to cater their cities is heart-warming indeed.
With booklet like these in your hands, there’s no guaranteeing which way you’d be steering your transport to, manoeuvring around the crazy traffic. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I think my order has arrived. I have been eyeing these breakfast delicacies since a long time, let’s not make them wait any longer; worse, what if someone comes over to ‘share’?!