
US Mail

By US Desk
Fri, 10, 24

I started reading Us when I was 10. I didn’t understand much at the time, but my dad made me read it to develop a reading habit....

US Mail


Dear Ed,

I started reading Us when I was 10. I didn’t understand much at the time, but my dad made me read it to develop a reading habit. I am now a university student and have witnessed Us magazine’s many stages. I remember when it seemed like only doctors could contribute, and I used to tell myself that once I got into medical school, I would also start writing for Us. Unfortunately, that dream never materialized, but I have remained a faithful reader. Today, seeing Muhammad Asif Nawaz on the cover page filled me with nostalgia for that time. I would like to congratulate Asif on his achievements and wish him well with his first literary venture.

Sara Ghani, Karachi

Hey Ed,

I read Us online because it’s not available in the bookshop in my area. Reading it online is fun, but I want to hold the hard copy in my hands since I’m a bit of a traditionalist, and I want to collect the issues of my favorite magazine. I’d like to subscribe so I can receive it every Friday. How can I do that?

Arsalan Khan, Hyderabad

Us is part of The News, and you can get it through the newsagent or hawker in your area.

Shortage of books at Mussom Library, Turbat

Dear Editor,

I want to bring to your immediate attention the alarming crisis affecting Mussom Library in Turbat, one of the largest libraries in the region. Despite serving 180 students, this esteemed institution faces a critical shortage of books, rendering it incomplete and ineffective.

The lack of books undermines the core of education, crippling the academic ambitions of students. Additionally, the library struggles with basic amenities such as functional water coolers, fans, air conditioning, and internet access, creating an unbearable environment for learning.

We strongly condemn the negligence and inaction that have allowed these challenges to persist, jeopardizing the future of our youth. It is essential that your administration takes swift and decisive action to: provide an adequate supply of books to bridge the knowledge gap, address the infrastructure deficiencies, ensure a conducive learning environment, and allocate the necessary resources to maintain a fully functional library.

We urge you to recognize the seriousness of this situation and respond with urgency, prioritizing the educational well-being of Balochistan's future generations. Failure to act will only perpetuate educational disparities and hinder Balochistan's progress.

Tahir Ishaq, Kolowa


Lubna Khalid


Sameen Amer

Us Magazine, 5th Floor, Al Rahman Building, I.I.Chundrr Road, Karachi, Pakistan.

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Word count for one page is 550-650; for two pages, 1000-1100; for three pages, 1500-1800