
When blessings turn into curses

By Nuzhat Azhar
Fri, 10, 24

In the tapestry of life, dreams, friendships, and ambitions are threads that weave our stories with vibrant colours...

When blessings turn into curses


In the tapestry of life, dreams, friendships, and ambitions are threads that weave our stories with vibrant colours. They are the blessings that give life its charm and meaning. But what happens when these blessings, once cherished and celebrated, begin to strangle the very essence of our existence? What if the dreams that once lifted us up now pull us down into a vortex of anxiety and despair? The line between a blessing and a curse is thinner than we imagine.

We all have dreams. They are the first step toward achieving greatness. Whether it’s the dream of success, wealth, or simply a better life, these aspirations push us forward. They are the fuel that ignites our passion and drives our actions. But what if these dreams grow too big, too consuming? When we become so lost in our fantasies that reality fades away, we risk becoming like Sheikh Chilli, chasing illusions, only to find that we’ve built castles in the air. The power of dreams is undeniable, but when they become obsessions, they imprison us in a never-ending cycle of pursuit, leaving us empty and disillusioned.

When blessings turn into curses

As we chase our dreams, anxiety often accompanies us on the journey. A little anxiety can be a good thing—it keeps us alert, focused, and motivated. It pushes us to meet deadlines, make decisions, and move forward. But what happens when anxiety takes over? When the pressure to succeed becomes unbearable, it can cripple our minds and hearts, turning what was once a helpful nudge into a paralyzing force. This is the moment when the blessing of ambition turns into the curse of overwhelming anxiety.

Friends and peers – what would life be without them? They are the ones who laugh with us, share our secrets, and stand by us when the world seems against us. They are the blessings that make life colourful and full of joy. But even these cherished relationships can take a dark turn.

When peer pressure pushes us into actions we regret or when toxic friendships drain our energy and peace, the very people who once uplifted us can become sources of pain. The blessing of friendship can quickly turn into a curse if we’re not careful about who we allow into our lives.

Social media – our window to the world, our stage to perform, and our mirror to reflect. It’s a place where we connect, share, and express ourselves. Yet, beneath the surface, social media can also be a breeding ground for insecurity, jealousy, and a sense of inadequacy. We scroll through the highlight reels of others' lives, comparing their successes to our own struggles. The very platform that once connected us can make us feel isolated and inferior. The blessing of connection becomes a curse when it leads to constant comparison and dissatisfaction.

When blessings turn into curses

Power and position – two of the most sought-after goals in today’s world. Achieving them can bring respect, influence, and the ability to make a difference. When used to uplift others and contribute to society, power is indeed a blessing. But what happens when the thirst for power becomes insatiable? When the desire to climb higher is driven by ego rather than purpose, power can corrupt, isolate, and destroy. The blessing of influence becomes a curse when it is used for self-serving purposes rather than the greater good.

The pursuit of knowledge and success is another realm where blessings can turn into curses. Education, ambition, and the drive to succeed are essential for personal and societal growth. But when the pursuit of these goals is driven solely by the desire for personal gain, it can lead to a life that is rich in material wealth but poor in meaning. Success without purpose is a hollow victory. The blessing of knowledge becomes a curse when it serves only the self, rather than contributing to the world around us.

When blessings turn into curses

In the end, it all comes down to balance. Every blessing in life has the potential to turn into a curse if taken to extremes. Dreams, friendships, power, and success are all essential, but they must be pursued with mindfulness and purpose. We must remember that life is about more than just achieving our personal goals – it’s about finding our place in the world, contributing to the greater good, and staying true to the message that the Creator has placed within us.

So, as you chase your dreams, build your friendships, and pursue success, remember to stay grounded. Recognize when the blessings in your life are beginning to take a negative turn, and take a step back. The line between a blessing and a curse is thin, but with awareness and intention, we can keep our lives on the right side of that line.