

By Aimen Naeem
Fri, 08, 24

In a world where social media and everyday conversations often revolve around sharing achievements, people often lack ehsas for the feelings of others....



In a world where social media and everyday conversations often revolve around sharing achievements, people often lack ehsas for the feelings of others. I looked up the English word for ehsas and found percipience. I am of the view that it is essential to practice percipience, which, according to Google, is "the quality of having sensitive insight or understanding; perceptiveness."

A sensitive insight or understanding goes beyond mere words. Percipience is not just about recognizing blessings but also about exercising mindfulness in how we discuss them with others. It's the art of being aware of how our words and actions might affect those who are longing for the very things we casually mention.

Consider how easy it is to share news of a promotion with a friend who's struggling to find a job, or to discuss your child's milestones with someone facing infertility. It might seem innocent, but such conversations can unintentionally cause pain. Is it really that hard to show restraint? Is practicing mindfulness so challenging?

No one is asking you to stop acknowledging your blessings. In fact, realizing, recognizing, and recalling them are essential aspects of gratitude. But there's a fine line between sharing and oversharing. We can't control the world, and there will always be someone more blessed or more fortunate than us. However, true success lies in lifting others, even when it's difficult.

If you ever find yourself envious of someone else's blessings, try rooting for them instead. Celebrate their success as if it were your own. Why? Because the ability to genuinely applaud someone else's achievements is a blessing in itself a- blessing you're denying yourself if you choose to hold back.

Remember, gratitude multiplies blessings. When you're thankful for what you have, you open the door for more. Acknowledging and celebrating the blessings bestowed upon others is a beautiful way to honor the Almighty Allah, who gives abundantly to all. Percipience is not just a virtue; it's a necessity in today's world. By being more mindful, we elevate ourselves to the level of ehsan excellence - the pinnacle of faith. And as we strive for this excellence, we draw closer to Allah, who loves those who seek to excel.

May Allah grant us all percipience and guide us to be more mindful of the blessings we have, and more considerate of those around us. Ameen.