To be the odd one out not in a lonesome kind of way. But one that is part of the greater majority who doesn’t have much authority....3
To be the odd one out not in a lonesome kind of way. But one that is part of the greater majority who doesn’t have much authority.
You don’t have to be weak or submissive to be part of this group. Your traits may align with those of the rich brats from the higher order - loud, narcissistic, almost psychotic - but, in case your circumstances don’t, then welcome to the group!
Being the odd one out doesn’t guarantee your safety. Luxuries aside, even your peers seem to forget about your struggles to meet basic needs. ‘Seem to forget’ and not ‘ignore.’ Look at you! Still being the hopeful one, still choosing to give them the benefit of the doubt even when there’s none left. You’re not just the odd one out, you’re at the lowest order of the hierarchy even when you are with your own people.
What is it like to be the odd one out who never gives up despite increasing resistance and adversity? If hunger, humiliation, and death cannot break you, then what is it? Because that’s exactly how others see you - invincible. Anything but weak or trying to keep yourself in control. Calculating, yes. Manipulative, yes. Heck, they will accept it as some sort of superpower in order to wrap their head around this newfound species - you!
What is it like to be the odd one out, to be considered dangerous when all you are trying to do is to survive? What doesn’t break you only makes you stronger. Are they worth it, your principles? That is what your loved ones died believing in and if you can’t believe in that cause, too, then what is it that’s uniquely you?
Do we really need to walk in somebody else’s shoes to feel, understand, or simply acknowledge what the other person must be experiencing?
Yes. If we consider how therapists can be the ones quick to judge their clients, especially a special needs child, and try to change them (for the better, of course) to adapt to the real world. Instead of accepting them as they are and making space to accommodate their needs.
Maybe. If we consider how easy it is to criticize a mother for overlooking her ‘duties’ to the family in general or her child in particular. Instead of realizing that she herself is an individual first and then related to somebody else.
No. If we consider reading about, listening to, and seeing visuals of genocide as proof enough to know which side of history we want to be a part of.
‘‘It takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to our enemies, but just as much to stand up to our friends.’
To sit in silence, pretending you don’t know your neighbor is an abusive husband.
To purposefully delay justice even when the ball is in your court.
To let the algorithm and bots bully and silence anyone who holds a different perspective than yours.
Do you promise to rebel against this and more in the ‘system’ from this day forward, for better, in sickness and in health, until death do us part?
- SZ