The government should facilitate blood screening before marriage whether it is between relatives or not in order to protect our future generations from this terrible disease....
Cousin marriage - a serious issue
Dear Ed,
Cousin marriages are very common in Balochistan, although they are a predominant cause of thalassemia in children. The couple with similar genetic makeup is more likely to have a kid with thalassemia. The government should facilitate blood screening before marriage whether it is between relatives or not in order to protect our future generations from this terrible disease.
Gulbano Naeem, Kech
Dear Editor,
The Eid Engagement and Other Weddings by Iqra Asad made its last appearance in this week’s (25 August) Us. It was a good last episode, but I am glad it’s finally over. Ed, the serials should be weekly or by-weekly because it’s very difficult to keep track of the storyline. I am loving the refurbished ‘Comic Relief’, especially the tweets. Good going, over all!
Iqra Ahmed, Lahore
Dear Ed,
I read the cover story All guns blazing by Muhammad Nabeel (18 August issue). The writer had written about the line-up he thought should represent Pakistan in the Asia Cup. It was really amazing that the guy got it almost hundred percent right. It was a great cover story.
In this week’s (25 August) magazine, The mind-body connection by Muhammad Majid Shafi was a very informative article, and I agree with his premise that liaison psychiatry should be introduced in our country also. However, I am afraid it will take a year of Sundays for the government to even look into the matter, but we have to keep hoping!
Khizar Nadeem, Karachi
Lubna Khalid
Sameen Amer
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