‘I need someone with an accounting degree,’ the man said. ‘But mainly, I’m looking for someone to do my worrying for me.’
Fresh out of business school, the young man answered a want ad for an accountant. Now, he was being interviewed by a very nervous man who ran a small business that he had started himself.
‘I need someone with an accounting degree,’ the man said. ‘But mainly, I’m looking for someone to do my worrying for me.’
‘Excuse me?’ the accountant said.
‘I worry about a lot of things,’ the man said. ‘But I don’t want to have to worry about money. Your job will be to take all the money worries off my back.’
‘I see,’ the accountant said. ‘And how much does the job pay?’
‘I’ll start you at eighty thousand.’
‘Eighty thousand dollars!’ the accountant exclaimed. ‘How can such a small business afford a sum like that?’
‘That,’ the owner said, ‘is your first worry.’
A man realized he needed to purchase a hearing aid, but didn’t want to spend a lot of money. ‘How much do they cost?’ he asked the salesman.
‘Anything from $2 to $2,000.’
‘Can I see the $2 model?’ said the customer.
The salesman put the device around the man’s neck, and said: ‘You just stick this button in your ear and run this little string down into your pocket.’
‘How does it work?’ asked the customer.
‘For $2, it doesn’t work,’ said the salesman. ‘But when people see it on you, they’ll talk louder.’
One day, a girl walks to her mother and look at her mother’s hair and sadly said: ‘Why are some of your hair white mom?’
The mother replied, ‘Well, every time that you do something wrong and make me cry or unhappy, one of my hairs turns white.’
The girl thought about this revelation a while, and then said, ‘Momma, how come all of grandma’s hair are white?’