Money Matters

Inspiration – a need

By Sirajuddin Aziz
Mon, 04, 18

I have for these columns written a few pieces on the subject of inspiration as a tool of management and leadership. Why again, do I wish to write upon it? This is a question I have been posing to myself. The answer is simple, I am feeling inspired to pen some thoughts – the motivation to write on weekends is always present, but the ‘inspiration’ to do so, does not come easily. The motivation makes me to sit down at the writing table, but on many occasions, the lands of mind and imagination, are so parched that one waits for the rain of inspiration, to come of sudden and make fertile the thought plains. Inspiration has within its folds, a sense and feeling of divinity – it is in the spirit.


I have for these columns written a few pieces on the subject of inspiration as a tool of management and leadership. Why again, do I wish to write upon it? This is a question I have been posing to myself. The answer is simple, I am feeling inspired to pen some thoughts – the motivation to write on weekends is always present, but the ‘inspiration’ to do so, does not come easily. The motivation makes me to sit down at the writing table, but on many occasions, the lands of mind and imagination, are so parched that one waits for the rain of inspiration, to come of sudden and make fertile the thought plains. Inspiration has within its folds, a sense and feeling of divinity – it is in the spirit.

The nature of inspiration – can we provoke it or does it emerge only through an act of divinity. Inspiration is different colors of attitudes built upon the nobility of the human spirit. Inspiration as a trait in any manager is a privilege and it is certainly not a passport to seek privileges. Inspiration is an extreme experience of spiritualism, which itself is thickly shrouded in unexplainable mystery.

My faith re-affirms and re-assures me that any inspiration I receive belongs to my good fortune, for it is in my view, good luck to be considered to be such recipient. Man was created to be a Vice-Gerent of God and therefore man has to reflect in the personality, qualities of spirituality. The Holy Quran says, “…Breathed into him (Adam) My spirit” (15:29).

The spirit of God exists within each living bosom. Man has been blest in infinitesimally minute content the attributes of divinity. If these faculties are recognized and used properly give mankind superiority over all other creatures (creation).

Following from that chain of thought my Holy Book, says that inspiration is full of power and wisdom. Why? Simply stated, the root and source of all power and wisdom is only with HIM-The Lord. So, it is Divinity that chooses which heart and soul, will be good enough to be a recipient of Inspiration. Since the source is divine, this power and wisdom cannot be anything else, except that it necessarily has to be good and must remain firmly entrenched in the womb of merciful behavior and attitude. Purity of heart is essential for any inspiration to descend upon it. Inspired managers reflect through the medium of their inter-actions and decisions the nature of their sublime spirituality.

In the management of human capital, the practitioner confuses and uses inter-changeably, the elements of motivation and inspiration. They are not the same. So, obviously it is imperative to know and understand if there is a marked distinction between motivation and inspiration.

Motivation is mostly ego driven. It is heavily dependent on factors, external to oneself. The determination to achieve something no matter the odd’s or impediments; the resoluteness to pursue a goal, a sense of accomplishment; to satisfy and quench the thirst of out-witting others, is all about the motivating drive and force. Nothing bad about it, but it must be recounted that such achievements lack durability. If you don’t achieve the budgets, de-motivation sets in. You consequently work harder, smarter and may be lesser hours too, and yet achieve it in subsequent quarter or year. This is achievement too, but different because it is bound by time axis. Every new financial year is essentially starting from the scratch.

Inspiration, in contrast to motivation, is taking up an opportunity or an idea and thence carrying it to its fulfilment, is an act of establishment of relationship with spirituality. Here as managers, we agree to abandon the power of ego and its attending negatives; and replace it with the beauteousness of the spirit – The Invisible Power – with no immediate gains, goals or laid out path toward being successful. We all at all times consciously and sub–consciously relate with Divine Energy.

Managers are dealers of human behavior. And humans are all about emotion, unlike machines in the factory. It therefore behooves upon them to have a good grasp over human conditioning of the mind that over period of time becomes part and parcel of the human psyche. Just as appetite is built through eating, so is inspiration built only through the medium of work. Spiritual strength will always outline physical strength.

A supervisor / manager who brooks no envy or malice towards his colleagues is an inspired person. The progression of other serves as his inspirational tool. He is not overcome with jealously on witnessing success of his peers. In fact, the achievements and success of the competitors’ colleague ushers more goodwill from himself towards other co-workers. Such managers view the well-being of others as their own. And what a great liberation, it is to celebrate, the freedom from the feelings of the fire of envy.

The control and management of our sub-conscious part of the mind is an important element for the emergence of inspirational thought and behavior. If the mind is trained towards looking at the brighter side of things and also simultaneously develops a skill to dis-regard the whispers of the mind about the negative connotations of any situations, then it is bound to initiate inspirational attitude towards self and others.

The Prophetic (Pbuh) tradition, seek for your brother what you seek yourself, is not only applicable to social life, it is as much in fact more relevant to the corporate world too. Those managers who desire good for others always end up in receiving more good, then they put out towards others. An act of nobility on the shop floor, is responded with equal force. I have tested it. The results are amazing.

Blessed are those ‘Inspired’ managers who can exercise effective control over “Internal conversations of the self” and those who can limit within the comb of positive behavior, their imagination.

When you follow your inspiration it is only natural for inspired behavior, and that in itself would demand more inspiration. Dr. Joseph Murphy in one of his books on the power of mind and the influence of sub-conscious on behavior recommends that following should be, the daily affirmation of every person (replace it with manager): “I am one with infinite riches of my subconscious mind. It is my right to be rich, happy and successful. Money flows to me freely, copiously and endlessly. I am forever conscious of my true worth. I give of my talents freely, and I am wonderfully blessed financially. It is wonderful”. Inspiration creates sense of gratitude.

A colleague of mine, who when we travel together, at the breakfast table, after having gathered enough eatables, involuntarily remarks, “Man! life is good”. I feel inspired by his expression of gratitude.

“A god has his abode within out breast; when he rouses us, the glow of inspiration warms us; this holy rapture springs from the seeds of the divine mind sown in man”. Doesn’t the Holy Quran State, “He is closer to man, than his jugular vein”. Divinity resides within, we need to recognize and get inspired.

All application is lost if it is not solidly backed by inspiration. And inspiration does not come as bolt from the blue, nor can it be the consequence of the blow-up of kinetic energy; it comes in spurts, slowly, gradually and almost every single day. It demands solicitude, a chance to be given to it, for then it flows, naturally.

My Inspirational tools, all my career have been very simply and easy to had. I was inspired by my father, his consent, his smile of affirmation and his un-conveyed nod of approval. Today, I am inspired by the beauteous memories of my parents. Books, particularly biographies and auto-biographies are great some of inspiration for me. Inspiration is all around, just attempt consciously to seek it.

“Keep your fears to yourself but share your inspiration with others” (R.L. Stevenson).

The writer is a freelance columnist